Sir Digby Chicken Caesar

Yes, very sad. :-(
And it’s as if all the people who are naysaying Ghostbusters now have forgotten about how Fury Road and Force Awakens were both critical and box office successes...

“And if your cousin is the one I hope she is, I love her so much”

—Seconded. :-)

Hands-down the best thing about the Ghostbusters reboot is the cast. Even if we don’t get a sequel, I hope that we will get to see them together again.

Honestly I think both Star Wars: Force Awakens and Mad Max: Fury Road benefited from keeping mum that their leads are women for as long as possible.

I don’t even want my children to see the original (or its sequel). At least not until they are old enough to have the critical thinking skills to see through the sexist bullshit. The reboot is a bit too scary for my youngest right now, but I’m looking forward to seeing it with my eldest when it comes out on streaming

I don’t necessarily disagree with you. But IMHO the Ghostbusters reboot fell somewhere between “new and exciting artistic insight” and “lazy repetition of the old and stale, fired up for the purpose of making a bunch of money”. I personally didn’t think that it quite lived up to the first goal, but I would be

You know, the CGI ghosts were one of my favourite things about the movie. I had thought the point was to make them look overblown and cheesy — as another homage to the original.

Oh god, the Venkman character is the worst. And he cannot be redeemed by “Well of course he’s the worst, that’s the point” because he is very clearly supposed to be a cool dude and he is very much rewarded with sex with Sigourney Weaver at the end. I remember watching it as a child and feeling confused about why

Thank you, m’am!

I should clarify that even though I thought the movie had some problems, I still liked it AND I liked it much better than the original. I just do not understand why the original is so beloved, especially 30 years on when the jokes come across as gross and sexist.

Did you... see the new Ghostbusters? Because it had all the things you list: Different character names, locations, time periods, dialogue, situations, different themes and aspects of the human condition explored.

I think your comment may be more true than you realise. How many women were put off seeing this in theatres because of fears that the relentless internet bullying would carry over into the real world? After the mass shooting at that screening of Amy Schumer’s “Trainwreck”, I know it crossed my mind that it would be

I was just “meh” on the movie but also hoping for a sequel, because I agree that what dragged it down was too much screen time spent paying homage to the original AND answering dum-dum manbabies’ outrage. But is it just or me or does the budget bloat — and particularly the marketing budget bloat — appear to be

Glad to see I’m not the only one who doesn’t want to conflate nudity in an art magazine with porn.

“What about the kids’ freedom of belief though? That always gets lost. Religious freedom ought to also include freedom from a religion, which to me, means that all children should have access to a fact-based education.”

This, this, THIS. I want to star your statement a bajillion times.

The critical consensus among top reviewers/professional reviewers is that Ghostbusters (2016) is middling-but-positive — not awful. Men-on-the-internet have bringing the internet ratings down, as 538's Walt Hickey explains here.

This was also my take on GB. I wanted to love it for feminist reasons, but instead it turned out to be fine, just a little underwhelming. (Too careful, not improv-y/loose enough, overlong.) I would love to see it in a more tightly edited version, because I think its biggest flaw was too much filler.

You’re not wrong.

Came here to say nukes. You said nukes first. Credit to you!

Nice screenname, BTW.

Right. They need the ships. Why burn them?

That’s dreadful. You have my sympathies.

I was under the impression that in the US, Plan B is harder to access than most other birth control methods. That you have to get it via prescription vs OTC? Correct me if I’m wrong. Your health care system seems all backwards to me.