Sir Digby Chicken Caesar

Not only did my children not take to Sophie the Giraffe, but their allergist told us (the parents) that these natural rubber toys can lead to latex allergies. It’s why so many medical professionals have latex allergies: they’ve become sensitised to latex over the years from wearing rubber gloves.

Just because it’s

Sometimes I doubt your commitment to Sparkle Motion

Right, and I have this sneaking suspicion that if Tyler the Creator just came out and repudiated his old, offensive lyrics he’d be allowed into the UK. I rather doubt the basis of the denial of entry was his history of inciting violence alone. It’s that he hasn’t done anything to reject that history now. Instead he

This is also a good list, and I would add to it Lawrence Cohen’s “Playful Parenting”.

Be forewarned that Alfie Kohn is a bit of an acquired taste. Some people find his tone offputting. (Personally I like that he tells it like it is.)

Markham and Tsabury are the most accessible.

It isn’t just Texas that will be affected. As the most populous state the textbook industry revolves around whatever Texas decides to teach. Then it makes and markets its Texas-specific textbooks to the rest of the country.

I like Aha!Parenting for this topic because Dr Markham writes in an accessible way, but there are other resources out there. Dr Greene’s Lives in the Balance is another good one, and goes into more detail about the research supporting non-punitive discipline.

Full disclosure: I have many dear friends who work in the field and all of this is normal. They do catch some grief for it once in awhile, but mostly from parents unfamiliar with preschool but veterans of daycare. For a daycare you would expect meals to be served indoors but a preschool an outdoor classroom is an

I agree with you, and I also wanted to add that several other things are being mispresented as unethical when really they are pretty typical:

“The school also requires tuition payment even on “early dismissal” days, of which there are apparently many, and on “random off days.””

Not unusual if you are paying by the

I’m sorry people are just so intent on proving that the comments are the Bottom Half of the Internet. :-/

Well, for what it’s worth I agree that some of the outrage is racially biased.

Jorblox wrote: “The worst part is, them existing in the lowest caste means theres almost a 100% chance they’ve already been raped and exploited dozens of times.”

I hear your pain, but... Don’t we blame American culture and nationality for American crimes all the time? “ ‘Murica! HUR DUR” is something I see at least once a day.

Is that from the mnew movies? Haven’t seen them yet.

One of Kermit’s 4,000+ brothers & sisters?

Powerful illustration.

Northerner ‘ere. No.

The answer to your question is Lenny Kravitz’s dick. Yes, Lenny Kravitz junior let Lenny Kravitz fly this plane.

Unless you personally know the family pushing the older child in the stroller, you don’t know WHY the older child is being pushed around in a stroller. Maybe it’s laziness; just maybe. But much more likely it’s a condition like autism, intellectual disability, epilepsy, heart condition, chronic illness, cancer. Many

Does this use capital letters only? I ask because my kiddo’s teacher says that something like 90% of the words children encounter are lowercase, so these days most teachers push lowercase over uppercase.

So, I am one half of a “native US+immigrant to the US” pair, and so have recent experience with the whole process of visa to citizenship (without a lawyer, even). While acknowledging that some cases are more complex than others, in my experience much of the process did not require us both to be present: locating

Is Annie Potts getting a cameo? She’s the only cameo I’d care about. (Well maybe Rick Moranis, but we all know he’s not coming out of retirement.)