Sir Digby Chicken Caesar

I know just where that $500-in-the-Chef-Boyardee-can would end up if I tried it in my home: the next canned food drive.

I was laughing at the stupid hipsterness of this until I got to this photo and realized how much I want to replace my shitty, mostly plastic hand-crank sharpener with one of these babies. (For my children who cannot use a mechanical one without grinding their pencils down to teeny tiny stubs.)

The quintessential hipster pairs his pencil with a mustache topper:

I meant that as in, Burning Man has borrowed aesthetics from the Mad Max series, moreso than the other way round. (Probably not intentionally or even directly.)

I get it. I used to be more conservative about protecting nature, but I’ve become convinced that the ecological crisis is now so staggeringly immense that the only way to help is to take bigger but still calculated risks. (Introduce elephants and lions to North American wildlands? Sure why not.) In this case cocaine

This moth only eats these two specific varieties of coca that produce cocaine. It’s more niche adapted than the cane toad, mongoose, etc. Also Columbia is already part of its native range, so it’s not like they’re bringing in an exotic.

It’s not too late! We still have those three rumoured sequels-in-the-works to remedy the situation.

Proof she can still work the old costume (but please, give us a new one):

Burning Man wishes it were Mad Max

The only thing that would improve that scene would be Tina Fuckin’ Turner power-ballad’ing in an Aunty cameo.

You wrote: “i love this news but also read that Charlize isn’t really on board because both tom hardy and george miller are kinda nuts

How much crazier can they be than Sean Penn?
Please Charlize, girl: PRIORITIES


Ginger has been forced to stay in the game for the entirety of our marriage, as it happens. ;-)


...And what roles does homemaker entail? Teacher (to children), nurse (to family), and secretary (to husband)! Is it any wonder the three occupations available to unmarried women prepared them for being a domestic slave?

Just call yourself “an early retiree” instead of a “homemaker”, as men do. Then you’re emphasising your financial acumen and your successful career history, the two things that allowed you to make the choice to stay home and do it independently of a man.

This SaHM hates the choice language and finds it disingenuous. My experience is that this is a choice only insofar as high childcare costs, poor schooling opportunities, a lack of career opportunities in my field, and far better career opportunities for my husband constitute choice. We could be married till death we

Thank you for the clarification of how you engage with other feminists who are working women. I would guess that the judgey women you’ve encountered have internalised sexism against “women’s work.” Have you tried responding to questions with “I don’t work” or “I bake/[do whatever other pursuit]” instead of “I’m a

Thank you, this! I’m a SaHM and a feminist, but I’m under no illusions that my “choice” (as it were, in reality it’s more complex than choosing this way of life) help further feminism. Curiously I’ve never felt judged by other feminists for my so-called “choices,” so I have to wonder how the original poster engages

Honestly as a SaHM I hear more condescending, anti-feminist sentiments coming from fellow SaHMs, not from working mothers.

Tying into Lana Banana’s excellent point about domestic work not being compensated and thus not being recognised as real work, I think we can see judgement from other women (which again I’ve not experienced myself, but I recognise you’ve experienced) as a form of internalised sexism. Perhaps those women look down on

This entry on Geek Feminism Wiki is written for geeky feminists but it also applies to domestically-inclined feminists:

“The term “choice feminism” is sometimes used as shorthand for the attitude that women should be able to make any choice they want, and that doing so is automatically feminist. For example, “I’m a

I’m a woman (despite the screenname), a wife, and a stay-at-home mother and I love all things domestic. BUUUUT I understand the humour of mocking all things domestic to be about mocking the demands placed on women rather than on domestic-inclined women. I’ve never felt judged by my fellow feminists for choosing (or