
I would say you have unusually bad luck with bags then. I check luggage almost every time I fly, and my bag’s been delayed only twice and those incidents were almost 20 years apart. Neither incident was a big deal (got my bag delivered to me by the next day both times), and hasn’t even inspired me to start packing a

Boo at you for no West of Loathing

Boo at you for no West of Loathing

How was Golf Story left off this list?

How was Golf Story left off this list?

Golf Story deserves to be on this list. Don’t take my word for it, just look up reviews of it, many of which will place it above most of these listed here.

Golf Story deserves to be on this list. Don’t take my word for it, just look up reviews of it, many of which will

I have never heard the term “mom tacos”, but it certainly doesn’t make me think of food. 

Fuck Mary Mac’s but the Varsity is the bomb. I could eat a hundred chili burgers every day and still not be tired of them. And the fries, the fries...

Made it to the Varsity on a past trip to Atlanta and was not impressed. Though I had just come from trying Beverly at the World of Coke, so it’s possible my palate was compromised.

I said the same thing in another reply because when I saw this post I didn’t see any comments at all for some reason, so I thought I’d be first. Something I said there that I would also add here:

I said the same thing in another reply because when I saw this post I didn’t see any comments at all for some

I also use them for opened freezer bags of vegetables, french fry bag, etc. “Free” Binder clips is the only chip clip that matters.

I also use them for opened freezer bags of vegetables, french fry bag, etc. “Free” Binder clips is the only chip

And we’re done, pack it up folks. No need for further suggestions or voting.

And we’re done, pack it up folks. No need for further suggestions or voting.

Totally agree. To get a better seal I fold the corners of the bag toward the center and the open end over twice before clipping. This also allows me to use a medium-sized binder clip. Works well with frozen veggies.

Totally agree. To get a better seal I fold the corners of the bag toward the center and the open end over twice



Came to say this myself. You said it first of all so you get my star.  People who spend a bunch of money for fancy ones have more money than sense.

Came to say this myself. You said it first of all so you get my star.  People who spend a bunch of money for fancy

The Godfather of All Diss Tracks, To Da Break of Dawn, would like a word with you.

Hit em up is not even as good as the Takeover, let alone Ether. Tupac was so far gone into anger at that point, none of the insults were even clever. It was just “I fucked your wife, and I’m going to kill you.” Literally the last half of the song is him just saying “I’m going to kill you.”

Plus the guest MC’s were wack