
A buddy and I played this for an afternoon and we could not stop cracking jokes about how the “Starkweather” character was probably jacking it to the murder porn. We kept interrupting the game with our bad Starkweather impressions “Hey. I think you dropped something. Why don’t you bend over and pick it up?” or “Hey

Now playing

I am disappointed that nobody posted to Jones BBQ and Foot Massage.

I own a thermapen, and I am sorry to say it was not all that lifechanging for me. Before I had one, I generally used a combination of timing and feel of the meat to judge when something was done. Very rarely did I overcook\undercook anything and when I did, it was a more of an issue of me being distracted by doing

I own a thermapen, and I am sorry to say it was not all that lifechanging for me. Before I had one, I generally used

I’ve never used an air fryer, but I could see how that might be problematic especially since you cannot see into the basket to pull out the done chips like you can with a traditional frying setup.

This is applicable advice for many kitchen appliances and really almost any consumer products. Especially for things that will take up so much counter space, think about how much you will actually use it and if there is a better way or at least a cheaper way to do it with stuff you already own. In most cases you do

Preach on! Even if you wanted to cool your delicious bourbon without diluting it, these do a bad job. It’s science, people!

I read the article. If you took money in 1982, then by definition you are not “since its creation, self-supporting”. Also the interest rate at which the post office borrows money from the fed is well below even the federal interest rate, let alone any sort of personal loan. That basically amounts to a gift.

They are missing such an opportunity. “The Gnome That Stays at Home”. There. You are welcome.

So politifact says this is pretty much false.

This is not a surge protector as the title suggests.  This is a power strip.  There is a difference.

This is not a surge protector as the title suggests.  This is a power strip.  There is a difference.

The problem is that one man’s trash is another man’s treasure and there is never going to be a perfect list. I really liked Mr. Driller but could give a rat’s ass about Cool Boarders 2 and I am not sure I even know what Intelligent Qube is.

When did October become sober october? That just seems like bad timing. I mean football season and therefore tailgating season is in full swing. Halloween parties. Oh and there is this little german beer drinking thing called Octoberfest.

I don’t know if I was on guard because I knew the trick was coming, but something seemed off about the sample text the Times Newer Roman site provided. Now picture your professor reading a bunch of papers in a row. You don’t think he is going to notice something funny about this font? Like I am not sure they are going

Can you tell us how much Hyddin Belts paid you guys to put this poorly disguised advertisement in? I assume it took more than a few free belts?

Can you tell us how much Hyddin Belts paid you guys to put this poorly disguised advertisement in? I assume it took

I’m not sure having an incompetent QB shows the league was colluding to blackball Kaepernick. Basically his lawyers have to show that the league actively conspired to not hire him.

Does anyone actually care about these sideline interviews? Nobody really gives up any important information. At best someone like Saban, Belichick, Popovich, or Spurrier gives a funny, snarky soundbite. But more often than not, it is just a bland “We’ve got to execute” or some other equally banal platitude.

I guess I am in the minority here, but I kinda think good for yelp. I have to travel a decent amount for work and yelp\trip advisor\google maps reviews are pretty important for me to find and try new restaurants. Granted I will still have to sift through plenty of chaff to try and figure out if the yelp scores are

Welcome to clickbait. Scandalous headlines with mediocre substance.