Blain Gunter

Liberals aren’t even attempting to sound intelligent any more

High admin costs is exactly keeping for self.

Cause you know, they’re shooting the healthpacks... it is a general sign for medical help, not a logo.

Lol funny because almost all the conserves I know donate, and I really can’t think of a single libby that ever has.

They take 99% of all donations for themselves. They profit off of disaster and human need.

He’s right to they only give one percent and now they want to force culture to change? They can gtfo.

That’s like putting a copyright on the word And, sorry doesn’t work that way. Plus a red cross or similar designs are exact general signs of ambulances, health care, first aid, the nursing and medical profession and has been for a hundred years. I’d double down if I were the developer just out of spite.

Bosche makes one for 15 available at places like Target and walmart, doesn’t mount onto the vents but has a sticky back. I put the back on a thin plastic hinge and wedged it between the trim so it isn’t permanent. I always hated vent mounts, they always scratch the vents and lock them in a certain direction and aren’t

The easier way to do this is simply type sudo rm -rf in the console.

Italian brands? Do you have any idea how terrible Italian engineering is? And how notoriously unreliable their cars are? I’d rather have something that me, or any other passerby can fix, than some over engineered hunk of plastic that was planned to be obsolete and is too complicated for any layman to work on.

Having a reliable brand means nothing, every company has a horrible mistake and misengineered powerplant. However this list is obviously biased since Chevy made the list. Anyone who knows cars knows they don’t belong on that list at all.

I have never seen such an idiotic post from jalopnik. Please do your research. This is a standard re grooving process very common in countries outside of the US. He is not an idiot, you are.

So uh... when is a self destruct feature going to implemented? That would have been the first thing that went through my head if I was in charge of this program. I mean we're sending multi million dollar semi secret pieces of technology into enemy air space. We might as well just start giving them drones. Luckily

Corvette's a girl car anyway. I could spend a quarter of the money for a dominant car.

Lol really? Go ahead and try to keep this kid off line. I would laugh at the judge if he tried to tell me I'm not allowed on the internet or tried to take my gadgets away. The court system fails again, can't wait to find this kid and chat with him, since you know... he'll be online in 2 days.

The full size Ford Bronco. Very reliable, easy to work on and extremely durable. The Ford F-Series was also the most widely sold full size pickup for 30 years straight so parts are EVERYWHERE. I've always thought in an end-world scenario I would pick an F-Series or Crown Vic just for the parts availability and

Yea I've heard that too but I can't even remember the last time I saw a Land Rover that was more than 15 years old. Around where I live in this extreme heat Land Rovers are notoriously unreliable.

Look at that smug sense of self-appreciation. Maybe I'd go and watch the movie if Steve Jobbs had done something nice for anyone else, but he didn't. He never donated money or helped the needy. I can think of hundreds of people who deserve a movie more than him.

There are horrible androids out there, but once you spend around half the price of any iphone you can get a much better phone. I'd rather n0t have a phone that drops calls if you hold it wrong and shatters if it drops more than 5 inches. Itunes? Haha that's easily the worst program I have ever had to experience.

Does anyone care to tell me why the morons at Apple went against an industry standard and decided to use yet another proprietary connector? They finally had a chance to fix it.. but instead they made it worse.