Anyone who grew up in the N64/PS1 era wouldn’t see that as scary. Just retro.
Anyone who grew up in the N64/PS1 era wouldn’t see that as scary. Just retro.
I suspect that if you polled “the average people” no more than 5% could even recognize the name “Gary Gygax”.
It’s unquestionable that Gygax unfairly exploited Arneson’s work and concealed his contributions, but I also think that Kuntz clearly has a tendency to dismiss every contribution Gygax made as driven by jealousy and avarice.
It’s just festering butt-hurt. “They call me last” lol
I dunno. I look at the original image and I still just see a hand next to Pierce Brosnan’s face.
I won’t be buying this, however you can’t deny the appeal of having all your games with you, being able to play on the highest settings possible, no matter where you go on any screen you have.
I’m so sorry.
Jason, I’ve been a developer on more than one of these types of monolithic ambitious-but-aimless projects that eventually lurches over the finish line (late). You’ve gone through months (or years) of very real suffering to get it to that point, and when it arrives, you’re embarrassed at what’s been put out. It’s…
I’ve been waiting for the Schreier breakdown of how this fell apart far more than the game itself.
I have a towel for me and a towel for the dog, what are the other 3 for?
I have a towel for me and a towel for the dog, what are the other 3 for?
...Not that he denied the accusations, or that he denied the behavior. Just that he doesn’t know this person.
Not to mention being in that dialect of marketing-ese that a person pretty much has to be living garbage to be fluent in.
This sounds like such a mickey mouse operation
In all fairness, it wouldn’t surprise me if that already existed prior to this latest development.
I agree, it's just revenge. Ah well, fuck em. Payback is a mother fucker. And we see how well these crybabies take the shoe being on the other foot. And I'm supposed to believe women are the emotional ones? Huh....
“Tell women that a single room at a single event is off limits to them for a couple of hours and it’s a war crime to be tried at the Hague”
While I don’t agree with everyone’s behavior I do agree with the reasoning. You don’t bring equality by treating the ones who weren’t discriminated against the same way as the ones who were. That’s not equality, that is just revenge.
The game was always an emergent roleplaying game, it was never going to be some AAA on-rails kind of experience. But the content at launch was too shallow and repetitive, even for roleplayers willing to use their imaginations. Now, the game is an absolute playground for building, exploring, surviving and roleplaying…