The Das Keyboard
The Das Keyboard
yeah because responsibly locking up your guns from children and thieves is crazy reckless right?
It means that they couldn't do physics based destruction and had to do set pieces.
What relevance does Steve Jobs have to this article? Comparing two rich guys who you read articles about? You're comparing apples and trains.
Kinect is really nothing to brag about. I'd be more likely to grab an X1 if it weren't required and it was competitively priced against the PS4. As others have noted, you can use any headset with a standard connection on the PS4.
PS4 camera is only $60. Sorry, thanks for playing.
Uh...what? There's odd shit written all over the place in the real world. Whether stupid or cool. I agree that the Tomb Raider graffiti is kinda crap (repeating the same one over and over, I mean. Not the subject matter).
I know where my next rental is coming from!
This is the new script for answering the phone as an Enterprise employee.
A lot of us have been warning about a government going out of control. This is how it happens, one small step at a time. First it's "meta" data about your phone calls, then it's actually monitoring said calls, now it's cracking your passwords to access otherwise private data.
Presumably to monitor "persons of interest" for counter-terrorism. So why should you care? Because government is staffed by humans, and humans who have access to sensitive information will abuse the privilege and push the boundaries beyond their original mandate.
It does not take a fairly expensive machine shop setup to make a gun, it takes about 20 dollars and a trip to home depot. Guns are not some extremely complicated machine, they are actually very simple mechanisms.
I look at comments like Flexatronic's and think that if his/her first reaction is to defend this self-important bitch, he/she probably handles situations in much the same manner.
My guess is STL before. That makes it easily deformable, and so it doesn't have to come from Rhino.
The National Security State has been rolled out incrementally since the end of WW2, and one of it's most egregious offenders moving it forward were mainstream conservatives much loved Reagan Administration (War on Drugs, Zero Tolerance, etc.). The New Left slowly abandoned it's historical pro-civil liberties positions…
I kind of wish we really could see wifi waves like that. it would make it easier for us to find a wifi signal for our laptops, phones, etc. :p
Please note that if you're one of the folks that think Obama did all of this/crippled the economy/is trying to take our guns, whatever, then you obviously know jack shit about politics, or what has been occurring in our country for the last 60 years, and the path the government has purposefully been following for that…
The worst thing are those people who say "I don't care! I have nothing to hide!" That's what really disgusts me, which is why today I had to write this.