Andrew K

No complex, I just hate thug criminals who are steadily eroding society.

Hmm? I'm a court-licensed gun/deadly weapons carrier. I enjoy carrying a gun, because if someone were to attempt to rob someone at gunpoint around me ( such as a gas station), or attempt to harm me, my family, or friends, I can quickly neutralize the target and avoid injury or death of those around me (except the

Or, you know, I could just continue carrying my pistol and taser. Taser to diffuse the situation, and the pistol, just in case the taser doesn't stop the pursuant.

"Dude, where did you get this meth, Heisenberg?! I mean this is some real OK Glass!"

Do tell, what is your idea of a "level headed news outlet"? Examples.


Just set up my account for it with T-Mobile. They do keep your device, so yes, it's a trade-in program, basically. But considering I change phones like I change clothes, this is a hell of a lot cheaper than buying a phone unlocked, and selling the previous device at a loss anyway.

Is there a good Android alternative anyone knows of?

Oh, no, you're completely right. Perhaps I didn't explain myself well enough.

"And they saw what happened to the music industry after iTunes."

I don't mind. Even funnier is when people try to make it out that it is difficult to assemble their furniture. I wonder if they have ever read a book..?

Like others have mentioned, I find it ironic that the NAACP claimed justice was served for OJ, but with Zimmerman, nothing is enough, not even a not guilty verdict. A black man killing white folks is okay, but flip it the other way, and it's suddenly racist? Doesn't make much sense.

I think my comment completely went over your head...I was agreeing with them...

The hell are you talking about? The whole damned comment is more like it..

Oh, we're not. Gizmodo writers are all just a bunch of hipsters, hence the happiness for their return (because it is an old-style junk food, etc). Actual Americans couldn't give a damn.

I think this one should have won. I literally roflcoptered for 5 minutes straight.

You missed the entire point of my comment and instead just bashed iOS lol.


Sad thing is that they already have. The pirated copy of the game already has this DRM removed. So essentially, if you are on a jailbroken device and want to play this game before they update it, you HAVE to pirate it.

Uhh, yeahhh....this is an Enix thing, not an Apple thing. There isn't some special policy for Apple devices. This was the game developer itself pulling a fast one, not Apple. They could have done the same exact thing in the Android Play Market for rooted devices if they want to.