If I was in charge of the other side I might have offered to make it a seven a side game.
If I was in charge of the other side I might have offered to make it a seven a side game.
Wasn’t it Jaguar a few years back when they had an F1 team were painting their cars British racing green but then complained the green paint was too heavy?
Is CTE worth 35k?
Didn’t most of those snap in half on their first voyage across the atlantic?
I don’t have the exact wording of the recent Arizona law (yes until last year it wasn’t necessarily legal to break a car window) but you must have a good faith belief the child or pet’s life is in danger. So, I don’t know if many Teslas will get trashed. My only thought is about the low battery alert, is that…
Exactly, if it’s good enough for the Betazoids!
Oh my
Agreed. British Racing Green is the perfect car color. Better than Ferrari Red.
I always got caught out by odd phrases like “when viewed from below” wait why would I be underneath when I’m attaching this from the top? Which explained how I got the cylinders firing in completely the wrong order.
I am embarrassed for my home country.
Or when he takes a drive through a Paris tunnel *wink wink*
Only if the inertial dampeners are offline.
Maybe he’s practicing for his mad dash through the wilderness while being pursued by Federal agents?
Probably the usual American way of being reactive rather than proactive.
I believe the US is a signatory to the Hague convention on child abduction. That said, I agree the US seems lax. My wife and I have different last names but have never had any issue flying with our son, qwhite odd.
I still need to catch up on the new Top Gear.
What I find interesting about the anti-vax movement is that it crosses the political divide. The hippy dippy organic granola left don’t like them because “eww chemikills” and the prepper 2A government hating right don’t like them because it’s a weird conspiracy like chemtrails. Perhaps the one instance where it is a…
Good material for the attack ads I guess.
That era of Nissans defined “meh but actually not bad”. I used to have an Almera famed for having an advert that desperately tried to make it exciting but didn’t. But it was actually very reliable no nonsense and if I recall really really low insurance group which was important for young poor me.
Rule 34