Sir Eccles

You do realize that by posting that you encouraged someone to post a shitty link from naturalnews.

Thanks Obama!

I read the headline and instantly pictured RBG in a martial arts movie training montage.

More like Kim Jong Trump.

While I agree with you, I always feel pressured with the over sell in tire shops.

To make it safer, I think they should get rid of the helmets and padding. No really, it will teach them to tackle properly. Also maybe put more men on the field around 15 ought to do it and perhaps ban the forward pass.

Does she know that hiding in the Big Brother house isn’t the same as seeking sanctuary in a church?

Hindsight is easy. For every “coulda shoulda woulda” there are a dozen “whatever happened to”.

I find it fascinating that he’s gone with the high number of engines (27?) rather than say the 5 huge engines of the Saturn v. It doomed the Russian N1 but he has the advantage of running the same engines in smaller groups on his other rockets.

This week in a star in a reasonably priced car..

See also, white old evangelicals thinking the president boning a pornstar is ok. Why? Because they’re all cheating on their wives too.

We need to get back to movie making that doesn’t insist on walls of constant sound all the time.

Anal doesn’t count.

Driving while black/brown

Quite clever, was it easier than just including a cropping tool like instagram?

I’d be tempted to keep the reminder ad because at least I’d trust its source more.

and here I am just eating avocado toast like a king.

Well I just went down a wikipedia rabbit hole reading about passive satellites. Echo, Pageos, Lageos,... oh so many. Thanks!

It might be hard to code in the fuzzy lines of a violation too. A few mph over the speed limit is usually ok for most cops (assuming you aren’t dwb), is it a violation at 5 mph over or 6? Does the rain make it better or worse?
