
Being the mayor of Portland is taking a toll on him.

Hellboy is what got me into GDT, but Cronos and The Devil's Backbone are pretty darn good. And I love Pan's Labyrinth.

I think she said it was a way for her to pay Laganja back for using so much of her schtick, like the OKURRRRR etc.


Now to go watch Ravenous again. Sigh.

Same, I just wanted a new Grimes song.


It's a bad song. I found it to be whiny, and the whole Daughter Ownership is just yucky.

I tried to get tickets for my ailing mum on his last tour but failed. She's gone now but I'll be aiming to take my dad instead. POSITIVE TICKET BUYING THOUGHTS PLEASE.

It's just a really long Stella & Dot commercial

My friend recently had a gig with Phi Phi and she's still pretty self involved and came off quite rude.

Where was George Zimmerman? /s


Listen, just because I drew a comic based on a dream I had in which Chris Evans smells like Gain, doesn't mean I'm obsessed. YOU'RE OBSESSED.

Hi, we're the Replacements (hi) Hi, we're the Replacements (hi) Hi, we're the Replacements (hi) And we're playing in a rock'n'roll band (We're playing in a rock'n'roll band)

Of all the films he's done, my first thought is always, ALWAYS "My Best Fiend"

I'm pondering applying for a merch/graphic design opening. Would you consider it a good company?

I looked it up. Dayum nobody seems able to really do it justice.

I think Margaret Cho is close enough to getting Kim/Sang's mom on the line.

Jesus Shaves is family tradition in my house!