
Eric Nally. I got into his band, Foxy Shazam, based purely on wanting to know more about him after Downtown came out. Then I listened to all 5 of their albums for 2 months straight. Quite the rabbit hole there.

I quite enjoyed it. Watched it for my Film & Gender class. Much lighter than say, 4 Months, 3 Weeks and 2 Days. That film was fucking brutal.

I got to see Cabinet with a live organist playing. If anyone gets the chance, it's a great way to experience it.

I was her neighbor for a few years. We'd go over for Nick's birthday parties like it was any old thing. Definitely some perks to living in the middle of nowhere. I was at my BFF's birthday party one year (we were…8?) and one kid introduced herself with a funny accent. "Hi I'm Anna Paquin and I'm from New Zealand" 8

I'm taking my dad to the Lenox show on Father's Day. I feel there's going to be a lot of dads on this tour.

I used to get them monthly right before my period. Yay. I suffered through all the Monistat until I started having some very bad gastrointestinal issues. Googling and self poop analysis revealed I also had too much yeast action in my gut. With no insurance at the time, I couldn't just get the antibiotics my nurse mom

As a non-Girls watcher, after Star Wars I think I'd hate-fuck him. But maybe that's Kylo Ren I'd hate-fuck. I'm so confused.

My parents raised us watching more sex scenes than violence. There were a lot of gaps in my pop culture knowledge that my peers had because their parents allowed violence over sex. I'm not sure how it's affected me, except maybe my proclivities towards Jeff Goldblum due to exposure to The Tall Guy at a young age…

I'm so excited for AV Ruviews! As if us hens clucking on Reddit weren't enough for my nerves!

Took me a minute to remember you're referring to The Wire, and not Trailer Park Boys…

I second that. Krokodil is waaaaay more badass. In a terrible way...

I dislike how Cameron Diaz plays CRAZY and not drunk. It seems awkward. I didn't realized Hannigan was a drunk until later in life anyways. It's really the only thing I'm not liking in the trailer.

I'm dating a Winter

Gay Bonus: Pittsburg is the home turf of Sharon Needles, winner of RuPaul's Drag Race season 5. So there is a gay community.

Pete Seeger, and now Colonel Meow? These things come in threes, and I am not looking forward to that. :c I'm hugging my kitteh extra tonight, even if that makes him mad.

The whole point of a safe zone is EVERYONE is included, even the rapping gingers :3

I enjoy him thoroughly, but I agree, people take him waaaaay too seriously. Even more than he takes himself.

Is there a Macklemore backlash a la Hathaway going on? Do I just like people and not give a flying fart what other people think? Probably.

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