
Sorry. Kim is NOT a Hep Cat. More like Minnie the Moocher.

Kanye is a H****t lover.

My only hope is this paves the way for good shows to get the same treatment

I FUCKING won't! :D

I FUCKING won't! :D

That's great! Except I don't like Girls...

Moisturizer me!


Low fat milk is one thing, but I abhor lowfat everything else because usually they pump it full of salt or sugar to make it palatable. Yogurt is my favorite example. Also my roommate insists on eating oatmeal every morning. Low fat? check. High fiber? check. But it's always the same sugary processed BS oatmeal that

YES! I love my state.

my cat is currently staring at the computer and growling.

Yay! I got a Gif response! I win at the internet!

Fuck Buzzfeed. They're uber passe. LONG LIVE DOGE!

I love it for some napping noise, and my cat legit watches whole episodes.

To each their own. I'm not going to tell you to stop.

Touche. Nope. Probably not in the least.

Every time I hear of a unique and geeky proposal, I turn to my boyfriend and tell him "Ya better get started before all the good ideas are taken!"

Poop. I may have posted under the wrong DirtBag. Still doesn't change my stance!

I've always found Arcade Fire to look like a bunch of pretentious pricks. I can't get past that to remotely try to enjoy their music.

YES! My step-grandfather lived at Hearst Castle, and that place is a labor of love (and money)