
This isn’t anything new, though. The GOP have been screaming that they’re “THE PARTY OF LINCOLN!” while simultaneously waving the confederate flag every chance they get for decades.

Was never a big fan of their adobo mix. Got it once and had to use so much of it that by the time you started to taste any of the spices it was way too salty. Also, the answer is never in the description:

I worked as a democratic staffer in Congress for 7 years

oh no, the racist incel dipshit is upset, whoever is going to come save the day and comfort them =(

Yeah, you’re a real fucking moron.

lol you abject fucking moron, I literally pointed to direct evidence about her being racist that you could have gone and looked up

It happened. She’s a racist and a fucking moron to boot. Her shitty behavior was well outed and documented in the Sony email leaks from a few years back. 

news travels fast

I mean... That’s probably how it’s going to work, though, right? Barr meets with her, tells her to keep every rich/powerful person’s name out of her mouth during the trial, and she gets to live. For now. Once the trial’s wrapped up with nobody high up being touched so everyone can be “at peace” with what’s “on the

i don’t care, putting this one here, too

good lord he’s been quarantined so long his hair is 2 feet long! at least he seems to be taking good care of it

One person pulled out some loaded pistol magazine and clicked them together and said that you were next

Fuck insurance companies. But also fuck people who put their feet up on the dash or out the window. But also fuck insurance companies.

thanks, i hate literally all of the content of this dirt bag, as i imagine you do as well

Nah, feel free. Still got shit tons of our highways, public schools, etc. named after confederate shits so we got a while to go before we’re cool.

Obviously ecstatic to finally see these stains coming down, but not everything was happy in Portsmouth last night. If you don’t want to see something distressing, don’t watch the video in that Portsmouth tweet too closely.

Why link to a Caleb Hull tweet? Dude is an alt-right shitposter.