
Imagine being such a pathetic racist loser that you spend countless hours of your own time, that you could literally be doing anything with, trolling a blog.

They’re not insane, they’re dumb. If aliens capable of traversing the universe to the point where they’d reach our planet, likely millions of lightyears away from their own, they would have also made technology capable of escaping our idiot eyes and cameras. What we’re probably seeing is private excursions into same

I understand the dilemma, just the other day I baked a beautiful loaf of homemade sourdough bread and then before letting it cool completely I carved a hole in it and used it like a fleshlight.

It’s calmed a good deal over the last several weeks as everyone (at different times) has come to accept the primary as it was going/gone. It ain’t all sunshine and rainbows, but it’s hardly the hellscape that places like hard leftist twitter are at the moment. The shitpost channels are good!

Hey, I resemble that remark.

I’m also able to appreciate the appeal of Padma Lakshmi’s at-home cooking tutorials, which she’s posting to Instagram in an effort to stay connected to fans while helping them navigate the ins and outs of making a chicken tagine.

Now playing

Going to need a lot more than the 8 handles of bourbon I ordered.

I ordered 8 handles of hard liquor online. Y’all do whatever the fuck ya want.

Never. I usually make things worse because when I try to help someone I say/do the absolute wrong thing and fuck it up.

Biden supporting the repeal of Hyde would be a new development considering as late as last summer his campaign said he still supported it.

Yes, it was bad for Sanders to back an anti-choice candidate and his excuse was not great. But that should hardly be completely disqualifying given the amount of Democrats who have in the past and continue to back anti-choice Democrats like Lipinski and Cuellar.

Everyone on the left owes a deal of gratitude to Warren for her live national television murders of nay-saying centrists and corrupt billionaires. Obviously, that is/was not her only great attribute and accomplishment of her campaign. I can list many more for paragraphs, but just wanted to highlight the above as one

Don’t forget his dear old dad’s first mention in the media for getting arrested at a Klan riot (1927):

That literally makes it socialism. It is a service that is owned and controlled in one way or another by the collective public.

As the most mediocre white man in existence, I’m proud to accept the endorsement of Michael Harriot. Together, I know we can fight hard and get this done. What this is, I haven’t decided yet, but it will get done, together, by fighting hard.

Won’t link it here, but if people want to go find it, last night the Daily Show’s twitter posted a compilation video of Matthews being extremely creepy and gross to women on TV. So here’s hoping he’s on his way out!