Maladaptive behaviors create what I imagine to be rutted little canals in our wiring, like scratched up dive bar tables (yes, hi, I’m Danielle, and I’m an alcoholic).
It’s funny — I’ve been a record collector since my college days back in the far-off mists of history, and have done time as a dealer as well. I have thousands and thousands of records, everything from common dollar bin fodder to multi-thousand-dollar 45s, and if I had one piece of advice to give to someone looking to…
another investigation for another time. although if Lego Batman had a tongue he would definitely eat ass, I feel it in my bones.
I love that the people trying to make me afraid of WAP have undoubtedly listened to WAP far more times than I, the person who is supposed to be terrified of WAP despite having listened to it none times.
Already seeing some Joe Manchin slobbering from Nate Silver and others, as if his ultimate yes vote on this bill is something all Dems, including progressives who had to watch as he worked as hard as he could to water down every (very popular) so-called progressive measure in this bill, should be on their hands and…
The working class is made up of a lot of black and brown people, actually lol.
I go to Montana almost every year and have been to Texas several times, thanks lol.
Olbermann and Moore are both bomb throwing dinosaurs and saying that all residents of a state should be made to suffer and die because their leadership sucks is not helping things.
Word, to all of this.
I’m not a right wing, and I live in Texas. I vote blue, my husband, parents, brother and his wife, all vote blue. Half of this state is blue. You're not helping us by proving to the Republicans that Democrats are as hateful and blood-thirsty as they are... you're literally saying that you don't give a shit if we die.…
I AM A TEXAN THAT VOTES BLUE. Nice to know that I and my blue family can fuck off and die.
They are not being truth tellers, they’re using tired 2005-style “hurr durr dumb red states” logic to peddle callousness in the name of progressivism and it’s shitty.
Right. I forgot. Michigan and New York have never had idiot Republican governors.
I live a red state. We have manymanymany issues. But we are also more culturally and racially diverse than a lot of liberal areas of the country. It’s tiresome being the butt of jokes by Hollywood/Blue States/Hipsters when the country as a whole is racist, sexist and xenophobic. The generalizations that we’re all…
I liked to make “pizza” around 3rd and 4th grade age. This entailed the following:
As a 20 year customer service veteran, I know that the first thing you learn when you take pizza orders for a living is where the damn mute button is. And frankly, it’s best and safest to wait until you’re sure the call’s disconnected entirely before IMing the entire room about the asshole/moron/Karen you just dealt…
I am childfree, but I used to go to a LOT of school board meetings for a job I had. That must be one of the most thankless jobs ever, and they made something like $500 a year to basically volunteer to do it.
Let’s just hope he didn’t kill any more kids!