
I’m very late to this article, and also very drunk to it, but if you are a Warren supporter who is #NeverBernie, then  you are just silly as a Bernie supporter who is #NeverWarren

How loose will they be?

Lol, you’re also just an actual fucking moron. =)

I work at an agency where the men in charge are absolute dipshits who have zero clue what we actually do and kind of make it their mission to misunderstand what we do, while the middle manager women who actually run the joint are continuously ignored and dismissed when it comes to big picture ideas etc. Just an FYI.

The idea that a woman signaling that another woman would “clean up” after an incompetent man’s horseshit as being problematic is a bit... huh... and flies in the face of reality that millions of people live every day where dumbshit men continue to lead while undervalued women struggle underneath them.

Just FYI, what you described is not what actually happened, and congrats on finding yourself wholeheartedly agreeing with a right wing shit poster.

Eh, I don’t think that’s Ford’s take on this movie or his career. He’s been pretty vocal about how much he doesn’t really give a shit about the Hollywood shtick of press/stardom. I have mad respect, dude is just out there having fun and living life.

Imagine how miserable your life has to be to spend an entire day trolling a set of blogs you don’t like.

I’m not sure how the shithead rightwing troll got brought out of the greys, but if it was you (speaking royally), please don’t in the future.

I thought the yellow stocking cap was putting more into it, IMO.

Should abort Yang’s statement on it.

“failing government school”

I’m drunk and one could consider this a shitpost, but to all the people who have been heartily denying the dirtbag leftist online activity in recent G/O posts I merely direct you toward Ilhan Omar’s twitter feed where she is being hounded en masse for daring to give Pelosi an ounce of credit for her unprecedented SOTU

“Jenn owns a small business owner that takes women on all-inclusive camping trips.”

I think the statement from Tlaib today should have been “I was saying ‘Boo-urns’”

You can’t “appeal” to Biden voters because the only reason people are attracted to Biden is because his name recognition and his connection to Obama. Dude, you’ve kind of been burying yourself in really aloof electoral/primary opinions as of late and none of your past predictions have come anywhere near to fruition.

She should already be governor. But for some reason half* the country doesn’t see a single thing wrong with a candidate in an election being 100% in charge of deciding who gets to vote.

Lol, you’re still a thing!

Between this article and the twitter thread where Harriot explains the Sanders/Rogan relationship, it’s amazing (and honestly 100% predictable) all the people who came out of the woodworks to prove him unequivocally correct and not even realize the irony of it... That commenter is on here asking about where the other