Clinton actually called Gabbard an “asset” of the right/GOP, not Russia. And so far she’s done that and everything extra in the last few years.
Indeed, he is dumb.
The rally would draw over 6,000 attendants from across the state.
A) 2 one-page forms does not equal “difficult”
Imagine getting this angry over being told you only get to buy 1 whole gun per month...
Jack McCoy would be ashamed.
But that’s the thing, he’s already spent hundreds of millions of dollars to help flip the House for Democrats! Just do the exact same this time, man! But for the Senate! We would all love you (Steyer) so much more if you did!
I’d fuck him, or let him fuck me, or do whatever in the world he’d fucking want if he would just drop out and spend his money like he did in 2018 and try to flip the fucking Senate instead of doing what he’s doing now.
Babies, or babbies?
Politics and twitter is like mixing meth and fireworks. I hate everything.
How is nobody else talking about how we’ve found the perfect replacement for Timothy Chalet to portray Dylan?!
This is not the dunk you imagine it to be.
So much to unpack... Let’s start.
Geraldo has already released his official apology to Kilmeade, so it’s all good.
Don’t feel like linking it cause it’s too depressing, but there’s the Daily Show segment of Klepper going to a Trump rally in 2016 and just throwing out whatever batshit insane conspiracy theory and everyone he talks to just nods along and agrees. Also, we have to be clear, this is not just some small segment of very…
Waiting for Trump/Pence/GOP to blame Obama for not doing enough to stop Soleimani from helping to conduct 9/11.