Not only did I watch it all, but did so while eating chili and corn chips.
Not only did I watch it all, but did so while eating chili and corn chips.
Came to the comments just for that. Sounds like a wild time.
Cats can have little a box office money.
I honestly wish they were actually “eating themselves” but we know that’s not going to happen. 99.99% of them are going to march off the cliff for Trump, and the rest of the 0.01% will still follow, but will just be mumbling “we told you guys so” as they hurtle over the edge.
“I’ll have you know that I’m a melting pot of ethnicities! I’m German, Irish, Scottish, Dutch, Swedish, French, AND Austrian!”
Oh shit, if you’re claiming you’re not a rapist in the same way you’re not a racist, just who exactly did you rape?
Amy Madigan does not approve.
Buddy, it’s called kinja... But must be some kind of high to make pretty bad baseless arguments against a good a movie and think that somehow alters a commenting system.
I’m beginning to think that you don’t know what the words “movie” “change” or “the” mean...
I’m beginning to think that you don’t know what the words “movie” “change” or “the” mean...
I mean, again, literally everything you said about TLJ is also true in original trilogy...
Actually, Last Jedi accomplished a lot. A Skywalker finally became the leader of the Empire. Another Skywalker trained the next person to take over the mantle of the Jedi. And Another Skywalker trained the next person to take over the mantle of the Resistance.
I literally cackled, not unlike ep. III Palpatine himself, the entire way home after that movie. Each and every step further into it was just absolutely hilariously inept and, frankly, insulting from JJ.
Counterpoint: Last Jedi is actually very good. And the criticisms held against it almost always also ring true for parts of the original trilogy and aren’t held to such standards. Such as the very harsh criticism of Poe, Finn, and Rose’s “useless” side quest in VIII it’s actually not much different than what Han,…
Will just say this post would be much more popular if kinja comments weren’t fucked AF, hope you all pass this comment on to the herb.
Honestly, I just think that Dr. Manhattan was powerful enough to let that egg get scrambled in a little butter with some milk and it still would have transferred powers.
Ok, but how in the fuck could they possibly leave on the cutting room floor the footage that must have revealed the show’s biggest mystery: who the fuck was lube man? (I mean, it was most almost assuredly the FBI sidekick guy, but still!) Or did I miss that getting resolved in my drunken viewings?