I’d wager that every bit of his “broken” look is planned and probably even professionally done before any public appearance or interview.
To be fair, even if Ronald Reagan were to rise from the grave and name himself a Democrat and run on his 80's platform and win the -D nomination, the media/GOP would still scream “SOCIALISM!” during the campaign. So nominating a candidate on that basis is a non-starter. And while those “scary” candidates may indeed…
I used to call myself the oldest young person ever, but holy shit Pete stole that crown.
I do always enjoy how you’re too afraid to use your approved account to come after anyone who calls out the truth about you. It’s hilarious, under all the bravado and bullishness, you’re just as much of a terrified tantruming child as your boy Trump.
Unfortunately, no way to really permanently block him. That’s why they’re called “burners,” just like with phones, when one’s dead, just get a new one.
IMO, children should not be seen, heard, felt, or smelled. If they are, the parent is doing a terrible job.
I know you’re just trolling most likely as a right winger masquerading as a leftist, but might as well put this out there for posterity’s sake
Anyone else’s kinja comments loading slow as hell? Seems particularly bad on the Slot.
The near 250 year revolution is complete. We’ve finally gotten total victory and now the UK is us.
Lol, you’re such an angry and miserable little shit. No matter how much you think you’re the one dishing it out, you aren’t. You’re a projecting little dumbass and you always will be. =)
*insert “lol nothing matters” gif here* because it truly doesn’t. Literally not a single thing in the Trump campaign tweet is even remotely true, but it doesn’t matter. The “economy” in the way pundits and dipshits like Trump spin it is doing the exact same it did 3 years ago; job creation isn’t anywhere near “record”…
You’ve been so angry lately. What’s wrong, pal?
The best part about that comment is that the dude is an incel himself. Aside from trolling the Root to tell black people that they’re the real racists, his next favorite thing is to troll Kotaku about how women Twitch streamers are just teasing men for $ because they show cleavage. And of course his 3rd favorite thing…
Lol, it’s so easy to make you so mad.
That dude is just simply a racist. Doesn’t take too long through his comment history to find this out. Pitched a fit in the comments on the article about Broadway Becky about how black people are the real bigots... How he’s out of the greys on the Root, I have no idea. But some of the Splinter folks who came here…