
I was going to respond to this guy with some facts. But he’s just a racist troll. Not sure if he’s actually a racist leftist troll, or a right winger pretending to be a leftist racist troll. But definitely a racist.

I swear to god if he follows us over there I’m going to whoop your ass, or write a very strongly worded letter!

Now playing

Even Elaine isn’t the ultimate mommyguard of useless dumbass white men...

I was scratching my head at trying to figure out how Ben thought that was a defense...

TFW you go viral for people thinking you’re a joke, but you think it’s because they think you’re cool.

Fuck Jim Spanfeller

They just nuked a couple of commenter created refuge kinja sites for Splinter and Deadspin. Wouldn’t be surprised if all comments across kinja disappear within the coming days/weeks.

Oh don’t even get started on the leftist attacks against her plan already spreading like wildfire online. It’s bad out there, y’all.

A day late on this one. But a lot of ppl on here taking this as some kind of coded defense of Biden or something, but if we want a much better example that proves Obama is correct here, look at what happened to Hannibal Buress on twitter the last day or two. He’s got an army of Bros literally canceling him for not

You realize that only one of the tweets you just linked somewhat supports what you claimed, and that the rest are pointing out the hypocrisy in Hill resigning over this matter while many men, often Republicans, have never faced repercussions for similar/worse transgressions, right?

Well, tbf, as climate change worsens, I kind of feel like that will be quite true.

Researchers built Emma based on an amalgamation of all the body gripes listed by office employees as a representation of what too much sitting and not enough milling about does to a body over a span of 20 years.

I’m 100% on team Diana’s side. The dumbshit asshole she pushed down the stairs probably deserved it a thousand times over.

Every country is.

hiring an additional 400 employees dispersed among the chain’s 150 locations to battle the crowds

“How am I classist?!?!?”

Anytime someone starts talking about what’s is and isn’t “art,” it’s a pretty big tell that most everything they’re about to say is biased/bullshit. And in the end, I think a lot of it ends up boiling down to classism. Look at the performing arts and imagine the arguments they’d have to make to make the same