
I was going to bet you that you can’t say that three times fast, then you did!

Then you’re even dumber than I initially thought.

Just FYI it’s literally a Gabbard bot, created yesterday to scream up and down the threads to defend Tulsi.

I love how you prove literally every “conspiracy theory” about Gabbard simply by doing what you did: created an anonymous burner account to try and explain away her right wing tendencies as “being progressive, actually!”

they are pretty much the only group of people in these dark times that I can rely on to be the absolute best of us all.

I took a world religions AP elective course in high school. As someone who wasn’t raised at all religiously, it was enlightening learning about ideas I had never even been remotely aware of, the Five Pillars, Nirvana, Taoism, etc.

You’ve picked the strangest of hills to die on. The language you’re using against Warren is pretty much verbatim the language that Bernie Bros (whom you’ve made clear you also hate) use against her... yet you’re attacking her from the right...

Tulsi, pretending to attack Warren from the left, even though for every criticism of Warren from the left that she’s guilty of, Gabbard is more guilty of the same or worse.

Buttigieg’s focus group

Well we’ll see what happens tonight, but I’d wager this is Pete’s bid to get Biden’s VP nom. Pete hasn’t gone after Biden like Harris or Castro. Wonder if others will be on the attack against Warren now that she’s a solid frontrunner.

I swear whenever I see that pic that he’s wearing double layers of underwear, but I guess that’s just his shirt tail tucked in and it’s so long that it goes all the way down his ass.

I guess at least it’s not a gritty Dolittle reboot where he murders a bunch of folks because they make fun of him for saying he can talk to animals?

Gimme more boots 4 lickin’ plz

It was a move Stalin would be proud of.

The Great Greying was and remains one of the absolute worst editorial decisions ever made in digital media.

Again, as I said, I was far from the blog’s biggest defender. Its direction was MUCH better under the leadership of Dodai (essentially when it was progressive, before it became Leftist under Aleks). Also, it should never be forgotten as others have pointed out that it kind of took the work of those who first made it

No, just talking about your double post. Starred the other one. Same time stamp so who knows who made it first.

I’m only starring one of these.

This is the content I crave.