
As someone who is very very much 100% “do not brings trolls out, do not engage, it’s what they want” I can’t help but not take the same stance with these two dingledick chucklefucks. This shit is Tommy Wiseau The Room in real life and they’re as deadly serious about it as he was.

Have him wear a Zuckerberg face mask and make him lick her leather boots on stage.

Daphne Caruana Galizia. She was likely murdered for her work exposing corruption in Malta related to Russian oligarchs essentially being able to buy passports to the EU at will to circumvent sanctions. It’s also been rumored that Joseph Mifsud (the guy who pretty much kicked off the entire US investigation into

What this should be: One of the biggest political stories in years, dissected constantly by the 24-hour news media, driving disgust with the GOP everyone in power in the world and outraged calls for investigations and for change.

I’m sure some of the online activity engaging in such is, but no, some live actual longtime Bernie surrogates/supporters are also doing it. Look at the reactions among Bernie’s campaign people to the WFP endorsement. Or when Susan Sarandon made a jab at Warren during a stump speech for Bernie, when she herself said in

This is a bit disingenuous. Sanders supporters are under no obligation to automatically become Warren supporters (edited to clarify: everyone who calls themselves progressive should be “supporting” both Sanders and Warren, but they don’t have to be campaigning for one or the other) just because she’s running. He is

All 24 hour cable news channels should be rocketed into the sun.

“We would be a far greater, uh, when we don’t have the CNN’s of the world,”

I imagine the 4d kinja experience is something akin to having that Joey Saladino guy pissing in his mouth right next to you.

Yes and I expect your support payments by the 1st of every month.

That is not the Breitbartian way. Everything you think and believe must be true. It’s only that kind of fanaticism that can sustain their desired fascism.

This is not directed towards KK, I know editorial and advertising are distinct, but how can we blame those polled:

No. Really, just... fuck...


It’s definitive proof that atheists are right. Check and mate, religion!

It’s the fuckin’ Concord Wine Mixer.

Jars that have My Little Pony figurines in them.
