
Robert Byrd was a Democrat his whole life, too. =)

His individual donors from itemized donations are amazing low. Only in the tens of thousands compared to the hundreds of thousands listed for Dem candidates. Also, roughly 40% of Trump’s entire piggy bank is outside sources/PACs. But! Let’s not get caught sleeping, we know his supporters and every other -R voter out

That figure isn’t just Trump’s 2020 campaign but also everything the RNC has raised (not surprising they’d do a combined release making it sound like it’s all Trump’s 2020, gotta be the BIGGEST). They did the same for Q2 when they combined for a little over $100M, split about down the middle. So just want to highlight

This investigation started 18 month ago, stopped and then started again in August 2019

It’s remarkable that he’s advanced so far based on nothing more than bigotry and connections.

Seemed like a camera switch screwup. Camera was on Kenan while Woody was talking, then went to that group shot with the mishap before cutting back to graphic. I imagine it was supposed to go Woody’s camera while he was talking, then to Kenan’s for the reaction shot, then to graphic, so the costume person assumed that

Kinja commenting errors will continue until morale improves.

It’s a glorious day in hell when the only thing more broken than the Trump admin is kinja commenting systems.

u r dum

You don’t have to praise a fascist, nobody is forcing you to.

I smell a scandal!

A Suffolk University/Boston Globe poll published earlier this month, before Kennedy’s official announcement, showed Kennedy ahead of Markey by 14 percentage points in a head-to-head matchup, at 42% vs. 28%.

Just made/ate dinner of some chili lime chicken, black bean, and cheese quesadillas and now I’m f’ing starving again already thanks to your pics.

Trump is going to have a few aircraft carriers tethered together like a drunken lake party pontoon flotilla to hold his mission accomplished event on so he can brag about how big the fleet is.

I hate you. Take your star.

And god damn it, looks like kinja is fucked again. Would you please tell them to quit messing with shit because the more they fuck with the cosmetics the more shit gets messed up.

It’s been a real ugly week(s) online between Sanders/Warren supporters and the WFP endorsement just put it over the top. Really fucking disappointing watching their most vocal/online zealot fan bases tear each other apart.

I know (hope) you’re joking, but “sparrows (and other like birds), good riddance” = “ecosystem, good riddance.”