
That which is dead may never die.

He heard about the 30-50 feral hog meme and, as per usual, took it way too far.

Yang: “I cannot help that 4chan white supremacists seem to like me. I don’t know what that’s all about.”

A lot of people have forgotten a lot of things because of the daily absurdist nature of this fucked up administration. That being said, you’re never “ruining fun” for reminding everyone, as the blog post was hinting at as well, of his participation in the horrors of Trump’s admin.

I don’t fucking believe it... The costume department made his first outfit some god damn bushes and he didn’t even realize it... *chef’s kiss*

The best are the people who brag about remembering these kinds of things happening all the time and that it’s not such a big deal, and then not believing anyone else who says this kind of stuff happens all the time.

Yup, it’s hilarious to me that the biggest supporters of Trump who will absolutely believe what he just said above, were the ones screaming their heads off during the Obama admin because they were convinced that a surge in military ammunition purchases meant that Obama was disarming America by the bullet since he

You left out the part of the phone call where Pelosi and Schumer promised Trump that after the photo op they’re going to take him to McDonald’s for a happy meal and if he’s especially good he can bring Lou Dobbs.

Not to pile on if others have already pointed out (I literally cannot see to tell if other have, the issue is so bad) but the commenting seems broke as hell right now so kinda hard to have a SNS. I reported it to Kinja, guess if others do the same maybe someone will get on it?

Yeah, it’s currently fucked from most of what I’ve seen/heard.

I was first considering a FixoBident comment but went with my other one above. I regret that decision much like everything else in my life.

Huh, look at this weirdo who doesn’t have a pillow that every night whispers in your ear advocating for moderate incremental policy change.

I won the debate.

Yes, yes, let’s eat them, fuck them for even having the opportunity to get a “mutually beneficial” settlement, all that and more.

Would star you to bring you out, but apparently can’t even do that, either! So here’s a reply.

Semi related: anyone else’s kinja messed up and when you click on “load more comments” it stops working after the first time you hit it?

On a kinja blog post (can’t remember if it was Lifehacker, the Skillet, or what) the writer asked about readers’ favorite cooking “hacks” so I said that microwaving an egg still in its shell for 5 minutes will get you a perfect hard boiled egg. In reality the egg will explode in your microwave and you’ll have a good

Not related, but just had to LOL at Yang’s Itchy and Scratchy $ proposal.

Harris is making “Donald Trump” the Democratic version of Republicans’ “9/11.” And lol, Biden just called Bernie “the president.”