
Disagreed, would much rather have Sanders/Warren guaranteed on stage with Biden, while also having some of the others take jabs at Biden and a couple of the rubes trying to attack Sanders/Warren from the right only to get spectacularly put down.

If Steyer gets one more poll at 2% in the next week

I’m not sure how my comment lacks reasoning or merit.

To be fair, that is literally what happens with Republicans.

Lol, get fucked, dumbass.

We have to quit it with these unrealistic standards, people!

And that’s the bottom line cuz STONE. COLD. SAYS SO.

Given the McMahons are some of Trump’s best friends, I imagine they’ll be running non-stop Trump ads during Raw and Smackdown and will officially change Wrestlemania to WrestleMAGA.

I know I’m basing my vote on who has proven they can beat Trump when it matters. That’s why I’m proud to put my support behind *glass shatters* STONE COLD STEVE AUSTIN!

Don’t you dare ruin my goblin fetish you bastard.

Boom, got ‘em!

They essentially are. At least from what I see when I go to the site. Looks like they run an initial OCR and are mostly asking for crowdsourced quality control. OCR is pretty easily thrown off by smudge print and poor kerning both of which you get a lot from typewriting and old prints.

As fucking weird as the recital is in general, pretty sure ppl should know that the video game production montage part of the video is fake... Or at least I hope to fuck it is fake...

Trump is a coward. Trump is terrified of death. Trump’s brother died from alcoholism. Trump is terrified of alcohol. He looks trashed because he’s probably overdue for a handful of uppers. 

This, it’s literally the one and only thing they care about. Not a single other thing in the universe matters to them.

Tennessee Department of Corrections, or was his nickname T DOG? I report, you decide.

When reached for comment about his future at NYT, Baquet responded: