
Because they probably did sampling to see what the average numbers of individual donors and polling for previous serious presidential contenders was? Seems like you’re the one advocating for an arbitrary system given the definition: based on random choice or personal whim, rather than any reason or system.

Post says they have until the 28th to qualify, with Castro’s decent performance and the field thinning out I figure he (and possibly/probably Yang and Klobuchar) will make the cut with 4 weeks to make up ground in polls/donors. Hope is less likely for the next few: Steyer, Gabbard, and Hickenlooper. So it’s possible

People did not get it, and I feel sorry for you for that, but such is life on the internet. One day, we’re all getting misunderstood for others not recognizing sarcasm, the next, we’re all dead from brain fungi infesting local swimming holes thanks to climate change.

I could make some 2016 Democratic primary debate comments about abortion mentions but instead will just relish in my drunken state =D

Well as the self-appointed-acting-until-someone-else-is-permanently-appointed Public Editor of G/O Media, I say “No thank you, please!”

Agreed, but nothing of what you just said merits an alleged politics blog running the above post.

Between this and Marianne Williamson

All my hangovers are cured the same way and for free, by drinking a lot of water and eating rolled up tortillas while yelling at the dog for shaking his collar too much and drinking too loud.



Smart cat.

You made me shoulder chuckle. But considering I’m staring at the empty bottom of a bourbon barrel, don’t know if that’s good or bad for you.

My Medicare for All plan is to give every American a free medical alert bracelet, but when you click it, it just plays the chorus melody to the Beatles’ Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da.

2.5 million of the 3 million deportations were me, and I got back each time. Just try me, assholes, I’ll find my way back to your displeasure. Like a cat abandoned 1500 miles from your home because it kept pissing on your pillows.

Hey fuck you!

“When I was in the Senate, you would have been the married stay-at-home-mom to the guy getting us coffee!”

Audience participation at an all time high! Wonderful to see. It’s like a regional community dinner theater! You think it’s just some other local schmuck scarfing all you can eat buttered rolls next to you, but turns out it’s actually a former Disney on Ice performer who is playing the sergeant of police from Pirates