
I like that in America *single tear* we keep our title for a position of honor we held long ago, for that means I will always be Garbage Eater Sipowitz.

That could lead to a lot of alcohol poisoning.

Did get that nice big pharma commercial in a couple times already, tho.

Meh. Hard liquor every night is my best chance for not having to relive 2016 again next year.

Holy fucking shit, just into a few intros and these guys are sleepier than Prince Valium.

In a lovely show of generosity, Sanders announced he’s donating much of those proceeds to Medicare and Medicaid expansion in the memory of the late John Delaney.

Now playing

Given she’s miles better than the dipshit moderate/conservative idiots getting owned tonight.

I hate so much that this scene has been taken out of syndicated replays. Such a great moment.

Let’s hope. Tomorrow is basically going to be the opposite of tonight. Instead of sideline sniping moderates getting demolished by progressive front-runners, the left-of-Biden folks are gonna need some good crowd support to accomplish the reverse tomorrow.

If it keeps going this way, tonight should be the end for Ryan and Delaney at the very least. We’ll see if that’s a blessing or a curse with having two more moderates die out seeing what it does to Biden’s numbers after tomorrow. Hopefully he fucks up as bad as he did last time, but he really doesn’t have anyone

Was trying to think who Tim Ryan reminds me of, and I think what I come up with is old aged Peter Riegert when he’s the obnoxious heavy.

I thought “I wrote the damn bill!” was a bit better, but it’s all good.

It’s a shame that world cup octopus was murdered, could have had the nominee selected easy peasy lemon squeezy.

They’re self-conscious about their image.

I don’t know why Republicans have such a fetish for attacking SNAP

The source of their funding must be someone so seedy, so vile, so corrupt that to be revealed would not only embarrass those associated with the publication, but would probably lead to the uncovering of a vast criminal network within the media empire. There’s only one person who could possibly be responsible for

The Gawker is in the shitposts we made along the way.

It’s like they forgot that she was real life best friends with Scalia. She’d scorch his opinion in a scathing dissent, then get dinner with him that evening. None of this kind of shit is new among people who work together for life.