
There’s so much to unpack when it comes to Americans deciding that other countries should overthrow their governments because we somehow know what’s best for the people of another nation? That’s just a new brand of colonialism, and it’s gross.

please mike pleeeeease

That is a weird curse. You pissed off a very strange gypsy.

Nah, FCA’s pretty damn unreliable when it comes to electrics.

Yeah, but you have to cater those stupid house parties

Shitty analogy, because an air show has planned flying in addition to static displays.

That’s what this is REALLY about...

They should be arrested for filming in portrait mode....

It looks nothing like that.

I’d be completely fine if your parents knew the rules of the road, unfortunately they don’t.

Because it is directly mounted into the frame of the car. It was meant to withstand 200 miles an hour speeds. At that speed it would have ripped off of the trunk

2) always pick the correct one of the two cables to use when they do.

Why carry two? How often do average people use a cable to do anything other than charge? The only time I ever need a cable that does data and power is if I am using a car, and even then they all do bluetooth anyway these days and it’s often just as easy or easier to connect wireless.

Really don’t understand why this isn’t presented as an option in the article.

About 20 years ago I was hitching to the west coast on a summer voyage of self discovery and adventure.

They did the race more than once. That’s how all of these things are filmed so that they can get all the coverage they need.

“Non-sleeping hours” are not a thing, you have no idea what kind of schedule the other people on the plane are on. If someone worked the night shift (9pm-4am) then hopped on a 6am flight... guess what, they’ll probably want to sleep. Just the act of traveling all day and being forced to sit in a chair for hours can

5'8" “not tiny? lol. 

Are you guys reposting articles because the previous ones filled up with comments about how Jim Spanfeller is a colossal pussy?

It's just common courtesy and class. Obviously the author has none. And yes its because you didn't pay up for first class.