pretty much everything she says about him/his death makes me want to barf. it all seems so disingenuous, even more so when you remember this was widely considered to be a PR relationship.
pretty much everything she says about him/his death makes me want to barf. it all seems so disingenuous, even more so when you remember this was widely considered to be a PR relationship.
because life isn’t fair!
i search high & low for maxi dresses that will look good on me pretty much every year. i found two from old navy last year that look AMAZING (cross-front, high-low hem), and i found a dressier one to wear to a wedding this weekend. you can pry them out of my COLD. DEAD. HANDS.
exactly!!! she can feel however she wants to about it, it's not going to change how my relationships operate. we have a tough relationship as it is, i don't want to spend too much time lingering on a topic that we're probably not going to see eye-to-eye on.
my husband and i have been married for nearly five years, and i have a long-term boyfriend of over a year now (whom i actually met PRIOR to my husband, but that's another story). i accidentally blabbed to my mom when i got shithouse drunk the weekend before thanksgiving while visiting them (they live in a division 1…
as a child, i had an "outie" bellybutton. (as an adult, i do not - i don't understand the mechanics of it or remember it changing, but i digress.) i'll also specify that i'm cis-female, which is pertinent to the story.
NOOOO i have gotten so many incredible designer purses through them for ridiculously low prices. (sale plus 30% off coupons, hells yeah!)
has anybody else noticed that this and the DV incident both involved alcohol? it seems to me that she likely has an issue with alcohol - and this is in no way meant to excuse her behavior in either situation - and that needs to be dealt with, first and foremost. at least the team isn't trying to cover up or ignore her…
I'm in an open marriage and have been married for 4 years, together for nearly 9. And while I often justify things to myself like that ("if not with me, then with someone else"), I'd personally prefer not to hook up with someone when it would be considered "cheating" on their end. It's just easier to avoid the drama,…
I'm in an open marriage and have been married for 4 years, together for nearly 9. And while I often justify things to myself like that ("if not with me, then with someone else"), I'd personally prefer not to hook up with someone when it would be considered "cheating" on their end. It's just easier to avoid the drama,…
thank you, thank you, THANK YOU. this same debate has been playing out on my fb page, and that's basically been my response: you are thinking about this shit WAY too hard.
there are so many insightful comments on this article, so i just have one point i'd like to add: the problem with these kind of trends is the socio-economic implications. liiiiike.... who can afford these crazy fitness classes? who has the time to work out that frequently/that often/that hard? oh yeah, rich,…
my grandmother said it last year, and i'll say it again this year: the people at macy's who made this decision should be drawn & quartered. thanks to them i won't actually get to enjoy thanksgiving with my husband this year. (he manages a hot topic - stores in malls with macy's have the "option" to open at the same…