Siobhan Giori

I'm not the one that encourages people wanting to cut their penis off, and other forms of self-mutilation. Those creepy losers are human garbage. And if you cant tell when blokes are joking or taking the piss, then you are way to oversensitive, but dont worry life will beat that out of you soon enough, kiddo

What a pussy thing to say. Grow some balls. Oh wait, no you want to cut yours off, you creep

They are the same thng. As I said, the left have changed the terminology so that it supports their policies. But Trump is in power, and the right are starting to fight back., and they have all the money and power so all these changes that happened in the name of SJWs will be reversed, I assure you.
But yes,

They have the right to conform to society. They do not have the right to make society conform to them.

I think you live a very very sheltered life. I'm not sure if you are a girl who just doesnt have any male friends. Or if you are just an introverted man who doesnt hang out with A-type personalites

The doctor is doing it because you are paying them to do it. Its like cosmetic surgery. THat does not mean she actually believes you are the gender you are switching to - if that was the case she wouldnt need to do any work!
Anyway, may I ask about your current happiness, what is the biggest change that has brought

No, I was saying that the gender you are is based on your chromosomes. Am I wrong?

i'm a woman. But i have alot of male friends, male housemates, male family members. many of which are very successful and live around the world. but boys will be boys.

wait, you took it literally? you honestly think he goes around grabbing women by their pussy? of course it was a joke. havent you ever been to a pub before?!? guys say stuff like that all the time. they dont actually go around assault women you goose.

My point was that we cannot take the perspective of select individuals. Society needs to make a unianimous decision based on facts, science and/or general beliefs.

Nobody goes around bragging about sexually assaulting women. But most men do occasionally make comments that are sexually degrading to women - even if its only in a joking way.

Wrong, my focus is on the wellbeing of the individuals in question. All I'm saying is we should re-evaluate how we are dealing with them in giving them the help they need. I dont think encouraging them is nesecarily answer (although in some cases it may be)

google global suicide rates for transgender. But yes, i'm sure alot of cosmetic surgery entails regret. But gender realignment is an incredible extreme, and irrevocable surgery

This is a very left-wing website, I expect this. But I think I'm holding my own - presenting valueable arguments, and in some cases get valuable arguments back. But not in your case.
If you're a bloke and have never heard comments - i'm guessing you never really played team sports, or sports at all. I'm guessing the

Yes that is right. You should have to go to the bathroom assigned to your gender (sex) at birth. As that is your correct gender, whether or not the individual wants to believe it is not important in this case. Gender andThey cant just change or add new terminology to support their extreme-leftist narrative.

AIS is not the same as Gender Dysphoria (transgender). AIS affects the genitals and reproductive system, not necessarily the identity of the individual. Transgender are people who believe their gender to not be the same as what their chromosomes indicate biologically

Do you live under a rock? What kind of men are you talking about? The kind that never talk to women?! Men talk like that all the time, but its just their male bonding banter

Have you never been around a man your entire life? Men make sexist jokes all the time!

Wrong. Encouragement never helps. Do you encourage a drug addict to keep taking drugs, or somebody who suffers from anger management to continue to vent his frustartion, or somebody who stands in the median strip yelling that he is Jesus to keep doing that. No! Because we recognize they have an illness, and it is our

No that 4000% -not 40 - is based on people that have undergone gender re-alignment surgery. Basically, they realized they made a mistake. It is out job as a society to make sure that people do not make the same mistake, simply because it feels right to them at that particular time in their lives.