Siobhan Giori

The world doesnt revolve around individuals though. Just because one, or even several people believes they should be able to do something, that does not mean that they should. Some people believe that they as an adult should be able to have sex with underage children, that doesnt make it right.

People with AIS are not transgender. AIS just affects the genitals. THese people still identify as the gender they were born - based on their chromosomes.

I dont see those comments. I see the one supporting my claim. Ie regarding chromosomes

Sorry iphone spelling - I meant there isnt a chance. The gender (in the original scientific terminogy - i,e sex) you are born, is not fluid or interchangeable. It is based on your chromosomes. Are you denying that?

There is not one doctor or scientist alive that believes if you are born a man, there is a chance you can be a woman. This is science we're talking about - its not ambiguous. Its absolute.

Theres a reason none of those allegations were taking further - they had no basis. Anybody can claim anything. We have a system of law that defines you innocent UNTIL proven guilty. The "Grab them by the pussy" was distasteful and crass, but its also the way men speak amongst themselves. I'm not condonine it, but it

Transgender are also - According to the rules of our society. Why should they be granted special treatment. We are not talking about 60% of the population. Unfortunately, society cannot accomodate everybody's special needs - it must be based on the majority.

Self-appointed gender police?! Are you referring to Science, Mother Nature, and God. Yeah what do they know, compared to a an extremely minute percentage of people that believe all Doctors and Biologists are wrong. Haha. And on what basis do these transgenders claim all those researched individuals are wrong on?

Sounds like that's about the only thing you can do, you lunatic. Seek help. You have a disorder.

Thats exactly my point, you moron. Thats exactly why we should keep it the way it is and has always been.

Nice rebuttal there. Typical left - all emoton, no brains.


That makes more sense. THe problem with that is, you then open the door to EVERYBODY. Seedy men that arent transgender, but just like dressing up in womens clothes for nefarious purposes, will have free reign to creep the womens toilets. A place where young girls are vulnerable.

What right do you have to insist that though? That would be like me insisting I need my very own bathroom because I'm special. And being normal doesnt guarantee health, but having gender dysphoria ensures the opposite. It is a certified mental illness.

Based on what statistics?

No you're definitely extreme left

Because its alot more expensive for alot of people to create additional bathroom facilities for a minute percentage of the population


Normal (dont make up words and terminology just to fit your narrative) people take it for granted because they are the making no special requests. Transgender people cant have their cake and eat it too

I didn't see what was so wrong with what Rodney says. Basically he was just saying women shouldn't sleep around as much as men. I think everybody already believes this. Hence names like slut for a woman, but no such derogatory term for a men. whats the problem here? why are women so precious about every little thing