Sinon Hitsugaya

I was surprised by the love for Black Flag, which I found extremely boring. The ship combat/raiding was cool for about 10 minutes, then I realized that every time you attack a ship it plays out exactly the same. After doing it about 200 times throughout the course of the game I was ready to die of boredom.

You just made me think of the South Park episode with Fat Albert, which I haven't seen in years.

I liked the new one where Stan's a security guard. Bullock riding in on his flying throne saying they need to make budget cutbacks, "but of course not my throne polisher", and the throne polisher saying "Some things are still sacred, my lord" was gold.

I hated this episode and all of its forced jokes. The New Zealand film production website joke was so awkward, and Homer pulling out a gun to shoot the signs for a cheap laugh was offensive in the same way that the Mr. Bergstrom joke from last year was, because there was an entire episode that was centered on Marge

"What happened to the man who made this costume?… Oh my, to shreds, you say.
And what about the children in China who sewed it?… To shreds, you say."

Once again, I have to disagree with the grade, I thought this was extremely ambitious.

Three-city, 35 date? So, they would play like 12 straight nights in each city? That's not really what I think of as a 'tour'.

I've been playing The Evil Within this week. It's fun, but there's just no ammo. I'm tired of having to fight 10+ zombies with only a match and 2 revolver bullets. Scarcity of ammunition is a staple of survival horror, but there are so many enemies that it's more like a horror/action game. I need bullets…

The first comma in your first sentence is superfluous. Some nerd you are!

This is the first Big Bang Theory I've seen in a long time where Penny acts like she can actually stand having Leonard near her.

"You have chosen slow and painful."
"Oooh, good choice."

I need money, ya ya ya.

"You want me to admit it? You've got me bent over a barrel, my tender ass ready to get pulverized by your thrusting manhood."

I just thought of this, but I love the fact that it's now canon that Randy is rich.

This was an A for me, one of the funniest South Park's of the 2010's. I couldn't stop laughing at the Canadian Devil. "Ha ha, I've got you, guy." I thought the satire paralleling gaming and other addictions was more clever than the reviewer did, having Jimmy being a virtual drug dealer was amazing, and I just couldn't

Robert DeNiro used to be such a talented actor until he just stopped caring, which is why I don't get why so many people call him one of the greatest actors ever. For every Taxi Driver he makes five Meet the Fockers. I like Pattinson because, after Twilight, he seemed to stop caring about being a star and has

A new Beyonce album, where approximately 70 people will be listed in the credits.

"Was" on fire.

That's Jeff Albertson to you.

"How are they hiding a fracking operation in the middle of the neighbourhood?"
*Cuts to women's basketball hall of fame*