Sinon Hitsugaya

"It's dignity, you dumb bitch!"

There are some shows where it's just incomprehensible how anyone at the network could have possibly thought it would be a success. Who at Fox looked at Mulaney and went, "Yeah, this is going to have 100+ episodes and we're going to make a ton of money!"

"It could be Jeff Bridges. Imagine the money."

"Ohhh, I have 3 kids and no money, why can't I have no kids and 3 money."

Yes, you seem to be getting the hang of things rather fast. I'm Sinon, and I'll be happy to answer any questions you have about this magic world known as the internet. And always remember, Obama is a muslim terrorist, and your mother is a whore. LOL!

Hello, this must be your first time on the internet. Nice to meet you.

I don't like stealing things that took thousands of man hours and hundreds of thousands of dollars to make.

Doesn't work, tried it before. For some reason, a lot of video websites have never worked on my computer. Crunchyroll doesn't work either, which really irritates me.

Fuck, I've been playing Lords of the Fallen all day and I completely forgot that South Park was on, I'll have to wait until they repeat it next Wednesday. Did I miss anything good?

I really miss Fact or Faked: Paranormal Files and Destination Truth, they were both so fun.

They're actually waiting because Obama is going to 'play' Black Panther, Boseman is just a cover.

I hope that someday Marvel will make a film about The Pride.

I started the process of buying all of those one-shot Future's End comics with the lenticular covers. I think there are several dozen of them, and some are really good. I just read the Constantine (he completely bitch slaps Dr. Fate) and Justice League Dark ones.

I don't mean Constantine himself, his comics are published by DC, so I think of everything published by DC, Marvel, Image, etc., as 'American comics', regardless of where the characters themselves are from.

Your comment has literally no relation to the comment you replied to, it's a complete non-sequitur.

The Scary Movie series also has a lot of blood and death, gore doesn't equal horror.

If Dr. Fate does appear, I hope that it's Kent Nelson (the best one) and that they don't completely fuck it up, because he's a really grand character. I also see that The Spectre will be appearing, and I can't imagine that going well. The special effects in this were so bad that I'm sure they'll be just as bad for

While they changed a lot of what he 'did' in the movie, the general way that he acted was pretty close. He was cynical, vaguely menacing, came off as self-centered even when he was saving people, plus he chain-smoked and drank all the hard liquor he could. I would have rather have that version of Constantine than this

I truly hated this. They've desecrated Constantine, one of the greatest American comic characters of all time. John is a very grim, dour person, it was horrendous how they tried to portray him as some charming comic like Sherlock, he makes jokes in the comics, but they're dark and bordering on belligerent, they've

Penny and Bernadette also seem to have no particular interests or hobbies at all. It seems outside of work they do nothing but get drunk and complain.