Sinon Hitsugaya

What? She didn't mix them up, she just wanted to fuck Tupac.

Another fantastic episode, but I have to say the one major flaw for me was that Cartman's commentary got extremely irritating, which keeps me from giving it an A. Other than that, it was another example of why this is the best season in years. "Oh yeah, I'm rubbing my clit, it's so hot!"

Okay, also, what is with the hilt on that lightsaber? He'd burn the skin off his hands.

Breaking News: Tomorrow George Lucas will unveil the one day anniversary remastered and restored version of this trailer with 0.88 seconds of extra footage.

I'll be sure to pass this information on to Bill Cosby.

Did you see that Grumpy Cat hosted Raw last week?

There was also a scene where they show Kirk at the Cabbage Festival in a red shirt, then in the next shot he's wearing a white shirt. I hope someone was executed for this.

I was under the impression that Sideshow Mel's family was going to be a major plot point for an episode this season.

"Well, I guess you could say… I hate the post office! That and black people."

Yes I would, Kent.

I love Fallout 3, but I thought the ending was pretty meh. I was surprised when it ended, like "Wait, that's it?"

So we learn that Bernadette also makes fun of crippled people. I didn't regard her as being humanized at all. She said that she was taught not to let people push her around, but that has nothing to do with the horrible way she acts. She's cruel to people that are perfectly nice and friendly to her, and she's also a

What? I love Magic, and this episode was great, I don't know how any Magic fan would get offended by it.

Refer to Chandler Binge's comment above. The cards and effects were real, but a lot of the gameplay was either nonsense or severely impractical.

The way he screamed "Someone has to stop this!" was gold.

He was in the NSA episode last year. He confessed his sin of jerking off to Game of Thrones to Butters at the DMV chapel.

My girlfriend hates all female sports, and a lot of girls feel that way, it's not just men.

As someone who's obsessed with Magic, I was excited at the start when I thought it was going to be a parody of ultra-obsessive Magic players (like me), but my lofty expectations were surpassed still when it devolved (evolved?) into chickens battling it out.
"Oh my God, someone has to stop this!"

The Simpsons would have been getting 50 million viewers a week instead of splitting the ratings with The Cosby Show every week.

"Give us more of that"…
You know what? I'm stopping, this is clearly all chorus and I won't be a part of it.