Sinon Hitsugaya

The first episode of Mulaney tanked in the ratings (and with critics). It will probably get cancelled after 6 episodes.

"You know, I've been feeling guilty for taking back what belonged to me."

I've personally always thought that they should at least 'try' adapting a few of the comic stories into real episodes, just to see how it goes over. The comics have some pretty good stories, not nearly all of them, but if you parsed out all the best ones, you'd have a hefty amount of material to work with. Seeing

So this wasn't great, but I thought it was a significant improvement over the past two episodes. The family all coming together to help Marge without some sort of forced conflict between them was refreshing, the sort of story that The Simpsons has shied away from in recent years. Also, not having some superfluous

For those who have played Hearthstone, can you get good cards or compete against high-leveled players without spending money? I know you can play for free or choose to get cards quicker by paying for them, but I don't want to go the free route and end up playing against someone who has insanely powerful cards (that

I thought it was a hilarious touch how all the kids in South Park have posters of Lorde on their walls. The one in Bebe's room was great.

My vote goes to Banjo Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts. It got a lot of heat for not being like the N64 ones, but I thought it was awesome in its own right.

Having Randy actually 'be' Lorde is one of the weirdest and funniest things South Park has done in a long time.

I think I misunderstood the premise, I thought this going to be a solemn horror show, but that's obviously not what it was. I might finish this one, but I'm definitely not interested in the other ones now. I want horror to be either completely serious (Let the Right One In, The Innocents) or completely B-movie camp

This is the first time I've ever watched an episode of American Horror Story, and I truly hated it. The entire scene with that rich guy and his mother was beyond ridiculous, as was lobster man finger-fucking those girls, Elsa's character is a complete cliche; the old hideous European (usually Russian or Polish) woman

They're not covering 'that' either? They're dropping a lot of shows that I want to see written about. I watched Supernatural tonight for the first time in a while and was hoping to read the A.V. Club's review.

They need to start covering more Adult Swim shows, Rick & Morty is the only one I can think of off the top of my head that they do. I would just love to see reviews of Aqua Teen Hunger Force or Metalocalypse.

It's nothing new, she's like that 'all' the time. I remember thinking how ridiculous that episode was where she got mad at Howard for hanging out with his friends too much, when in virtually every other episode she acts like being in the same room with him is torturous. Their relationship is nothing like a husband and

Another problem I have with this show is that comic books are referenced constantly, but only in the broadest possible sense. They make regular remarks about ultra-mega-popular superheroes like The Flash and Batman, are shown espousing their love for them, but they don't talk like people who've ever read them, which

Howard and Bernadette's marriage is just terrible, she seems like she can barely stand to be near him. If two people like that were married in real life, their friends and families would be holding an intervention for them saying that they need to divorce.

"Argh, that one's gonna hurt for a while."

She's more like a ZZZZZZ-list character, no one who hasn't read the old Firestorm (who isn't exactly that popular himself) comics would have any reason to know who she is.

I do that, too, but I've never been struck by lightning… oh, God, it's spreading through the air!

I wish they would make a live-action mini-series (HBO?) or a film based on the Flashpoint arc. That would be worth it for Thomas Wayne Batman alone.

I just read the description, and I know I've seen it because I have an extremely vague memory of Lisa sitting with Maggie on their porch and telling her that she'll look for work, but damn, it really left no impression. During the marathon in August, I remember seeing the one where Homer fights the bear and barely