Sinon Hitsugaya

Did he, though? Discovering that he liked the work that came with sailing and respecting authority are two different things. He worked hard on the boat, but then when the captain promoted him, he used his new power to boss Homer around, and then danced around him while he was shackled to the floor. He only did

I've seen every episode of The Simpsons, and I have no idea which one you're talking about. Marge sells prescription drugs? I'll have to look that up, it doesn't even ring a bell.

Look, another Simpsons episode where Bart is a horrible person, what a surprise. There were people here last week talking about the dichotomy between Bart and Stewie because Stewie is so dark, but Bart has been becoming more and more like a Family Guy character for the past few years. There was the episode where he

Paul Thomas Anderson is going to be regarded as one of the greatest director's in history after his death. Now if only he could direct an adaptation of Gravity's Rainbow…