Wow I had no idea The Rock was a woman of color. She is truly a master thespian.
Wow I had no idea The Rock was a woman of color. She is truly a master thespian.
I legit thought this was a joke, until I realized there was no punchline at the end. You’d have to actively try if you wanted to be any more wrong.
Maui is the most scenic of the islands, but look into visiting the island of Lanai. It’s everything you could ever want for a honeymoon.
H Badgers are incredibly intelligent, equally ferocious, and can take on lions. They earned that seed. No way the monkey could land a blow hard enough to take one down.
Why does it have so many unnecessary E’s?
Tell me how you really feel.
Yes. It floats on the water.
That’s the dream.
Looks like the Alabama player pushed him onto the dude’s nuts, but yeah, that backup linebacker is a piece of shit.
We really need to mix up the conferences, it’s embarrassing at this point. It kills me to see so many great teams have to duke it while whoever has LeBron on the East just promenades to the finals each year.
George Michael.
But is there a hotel close enough to the arena for him to sleep at?
But does it have a reason too? BB-8 was still anti-Finn at that point. At lease that's how I (and at least two others) interpreted it.
I always thought he was flipping Finn off.
I’d say the achievement for watch your character’s parents have sex is more twisted than this one though.
This is why I come to Deadspin.
How long until USC sends him an offer?
I think we found USC’s newest head coach.
Actually he prefers McDonald’s strawberry banana smoothies