
I’m sorry, how has no one figured out that this guy is the Tinkerer without the budget? Yeah, if he starts making real money we’re all gonna be in some deep, deep shit. This guy and that crazy British guy who built a working hoverbike are about one lottery win from unleashing super villains on us.

I reckon they should go with someone older than most of the Nu-Who Doctors, someone like this guy:

Take it even further back to the children and the first men and end it with Roberts rebellion . HBO can milk that baby for 10 years.

This. This is the shit that is interesting to me. The Way-Way Back, when the world was still brimming with magic and whatnot, makes the Game of Thrones setting interesting because despite the fact that there’s little magic currently left in the world, there’s always the trickle of it and the promise that *it could

Perhaps this marks a call to all game reviewers to only review what can be efficiently reviewed about a game. If you only have 1 day to post a review, it better be a damn good review of the first baby missions and maybe some side tracking. I really don’t want to read a review coming from a reviewer who had to rush the

i think they are doing the ‘fair thing’ gating access off to everyone at the same time instead of picking and choosing who gets the exclusive scoops, if anything it hurts day one sales but if the tradeoff is more balanced reporting in the long run, which i think is their intention, i like it.

what is the alternative, those who get the early copies have some kind of golden ticket, and how do you start picking and choosing who is entitled? there’s a billion and one youtube reviewers and junior bloggers who think they deserve a key. or you risk getting everyone turning into IGN.

I’m not sold until Pa Kent tells her that it’s ok to just let people die and then she rejects that notion and say it’s NOT ok to just let people die. You can only become a true hero if you can resist Jonathan Kent..

“Who is that!?! The head lizard lady from V was Jane Badler!” said the old man angrily shaking his fist at the sky.

I don’t think it’s a very bad idea.

And it still is. This isn’t trolling. This is just being a dick.

This is me I DO!!! I find it offensive i basically have to have a bar-code on me!!!

Thank you!

No, fuck this guy. The cop is doing his job, you got a problem with that take it up with his CO. I didn’t like the bread at the bakery this morning, so let me go ahead and drop kick the cashier.

I mean, he took time to write about how much time he was wasting in this meaningless activities and perhaps starting a new path of goals and productivity and there you go saying you can actually feed enemies ripping him off of a life of fulfilment to a life of empty enemy feeding.

I feel making Madeline Stowe the POV character of 12 Monkeys would have made it better too. That way we discover with her that the crazy patient is an actual time traveler and the apocalypse is coming. Same with The Truman Show. We discover with him that his world is fake.

Even on a mundane level, the numbers in the WoT armies dwarf what we see in GoT. The real battles in the books had tens of thousands of people on both sides. The Band of the Red Hand alone has something like 25,000 soldiers in it, and that’s an itinerant mercenary group. Trying something like the seige of Maradon

I mean Rand vs. well anyone is easily because his fights tend to be big explosions and balefire and traditional magical stuff. That’s expensive but filmable. However for other fights I keep going back to the Nyneve vs. Moghodian fight where they just cast weaves against each other, its EXCITING on the page as its two

I’ve been trying to read the Game of Thrones tea leaves for years and I mostly don’t want to start down that road again

My history with the Inhumans only goes back a few years, but in the IvsX saga that just wrapped up, Terrigen causes a terminal illness in mutants (“M-Pox,” they called it in the books).
Honestly, I was kinda hoping (when running plot points of comic books in my head, as boredom at work sometimes leads me to do) that a