umm. pettiness of the left? not unexpected. it’s going to be a long 4 years of people on the left the kind of things that if the right had done it they would call them racist.
umm. pettiness of the left? not unexpected. it’s going to be a long 4 years of people on the left the kind of things that if the right had done it they would call them racist.
very little room for dissent in the country itself. but there are ways to bring the rest of the world’s focus onto those dictators.
no that is not my argument. protest where you want and what you want. it’s legal to do so here and you don’t really have to worry about your family being arrested unlike other places. so that isn’t the argument at all.
really? at what point have i said they shouldn’t protest even here? perhaps i suggested instead go after the real dictators you know the ones who are currently oppressing people so there are less places like North Korea, Iran and Saudi Arabia. your tolerance for dictators is a little too high.
or perhaps it is easier to protest in a place where you have no fear of your entire family arrested like North Korea.
why it’s a good idea to not protest in the actual country unless you have significant backup. but i like i said.. actual maybe protest actual dictatorships for a change.
as long as goosestepper isn’t automatically for anyone and everyone who disagrees with an argument i’m fine with that. and if we happen to be on the right or really libertarian that doesn’t automatically make us trolls or bigots. you might be amazed at how many times i’m called a troll or racist just for being a…
indeed? there is going to be a women’s march in North Korea then?
the first one? no.. since if you fail during the mission what does that mean you can’t play it again since you saw information you could use to refine your approach?
and yet if a democrat is the one doing the forcing people suddenly have no problem with it.. i wonder why
now imagine the same situation but with President Obama.. the left would have lost their minds.
you may have jinxed us.. 2016 is such a beast with what has happened this year it might decide it isn’t done yet and pull yet another rug out from under us... good job :O :O :O *hides in bunker until 2017*
most of those said lost memories are gut punches right to the feels and they don’t hold back very much. may as well make sure you have a box of kleenex if you play.
it kind of makes me wonder what it will be like when we can make a 1:1 game.. like say a 1:1 fallout..
so leftist writer who attacks pence while at the same time completely ignores the left and all those millions lefties get from the middle east where they hang gays for being gay and put insane restrictions on women.. for being born women.
i happen to think both sides in this election are turds.. good luck picking up either by the clean end.. doesn’t exist.
it isn’t just two individuals there are constant instances of voter fraud.
it is.. we’ve gotten constant voter fraud and this is an example of the other side attempting to pull it off.