i can cheer you up.. there are no pokemon where i live.. 0.. not a single one.. i can walk around and not a single pokemon of any type will show up.. ever.
i can cheer you up.. there are no pokemon where i live.. 0.. not a single one.. i can walk around and not a single pokemon of any type will show up.. ever.
i would like to make an adjustment
true can’t ignore constitution but i wouldn’t put it first.
not as fun as using electricity to make them do a little dance...
more like split it into separate lists depending on what you want out of the situation.. because i can tell you high agility and sneak damage can outpace strength every time.
that and if you are a lead actor or not >.>
5. sneaking up on a completely unaware enemy and then putting them to sleep.. or just backstabbing whichever the game allows :)
or i use agility to get out of the way of the car >.> or i use intelligence to not be in the way of the car :D
Charisma and Agility benefit a Paladin more. so a pretty shoddy paladin if he ever was one.
benefit yes but not #1 since it does no good for a mage to have high hp but low mana.. what is the point even? or a rogue who has high hp but can’t hit the broad side of a barn.. or sneak up on a elephant without tripping over everything in sight. a tank benefits from hp but it’s useless if their defense is so low…
if you can shoot through some surfaces you can kill what you can hear :)
which has a large impact on how you leave the world which is more important to some games than others. and it isn’t just about better rewards it also can be persuade someone to not fight you which could get you out of a harder fight depending on your build or alter the outcome for a certain faction. that is quite a…
depending on the game too but largely yes.. however there are games like dishonored where killing takes on a different meaning or has a large impact to how the game ends. but even with stealth it’s usually sneak by?/kill?/knock out?, repeat
except this list is useless unless you are playing a warrior class and even then you put wisdom above agility so there went the usefulness of that one.
if you live in the country like i do the equation is simple
both could be true there might be instances of both it’s just i hadn’t seen the one you described yet. i’ll keep an eye out.
except i’ve not noticed male and female of the same breed being scanned differently.. only those with different features. perhaps that might be differnet on other words i’m just saying i scanned a group male and female and it only took one scan.. i found another breed of the same species and it took a seperate scan .
more like breeds of dogs if you want a closer comparison.. or put this way the two come from a similar ancester it’s just one might have evolved to have a turtle shell another might have evolved to have spines. that’s closer to what it is than gender roles
indeed on that i agree. but at least there may be an ingame reason behind it.. i just don’t know if it really is a reason or a weakness of the system.