
so like the average hotel room?

leading to a od of Nuka Cola Cherry

so typical emo teen... >.>

he didn’t kill everyone who gave him bad news. he didn’t kill the guy at the end of Empire Strikes back.. although you could tell he was thinking.. Pine or disintegration for his funeral options.

but this is Robert De Niro we are talking about.. he’s a master at his work.

imagine if they chibified them.. or made a all green all tan army figurine figures fight

so Desktop assassins Creed?

far be it from the rest of us for getting in the way of leftie wank material given how y’all view corporations while ignoring leftie owned corporations.. enjoy

which means you need the disk but if it’s a movie or series you don’t have the disk for but want to watch on netflix... then you are out of luck.

not just the games not like you can watch netflix either if they take down PSN so if you wanted to watch movies on that? .. have to find it elsewhere.

just out of curiosity are you saying that if someone has a behavior you disagree with you should force them to conform to your ideals? because to be honest that’s what it sounds like. not big on the whole freedom thing eh?

it isn’t that socializing is a bad idea.. but the dick move is someone else forcing you to. you should want to do that on your own without interference from a scum of the earth who wants to push their morals on you.. or to just be a jerk since i doubt they are taking it down for people to spend time with their

that would be epic if they did do a 40K anime... but i get the feeling we won’t ever be that lucky :(

why not both?

first to take

multiple times post crisis plus in the DC Atlas and several maps it’s even been on the license plates on quite a few comics. i think also in the DC role playing game too and also in the silver age.

if it holds true and nothing has changed from New Earth.. then Gotham is in New Jersey.

even if i toss in homemade eggnog french toast?

take one for the team man.. take one for the team :D

how was the cinnamon?