
useful for people who can’t afford to go there.. or disabled people who can’t really easily climb it.

or visit rome at it’s height... or really King’s landing for fiction.. well better versions that is. imagine running around fallout in vr

hadn’t run into that part yet

on the bright side dogmeat is easy to move by just commanding him to go someplace else

*still plays the original fallout* how is this a problem?

that’s not strictly true. Simon never understood what happened but Simon 3.0 and on would know what happened. that there is a new version which is a copy of the last up until the moment it was copied. the coin toss was to explain it to Simon who wasn’t all that bright to realize that no coin toss existed. The being

just imagine if you could reverse pick pocket a mini nuke into someone’s pants... >.>

*looks up from hording*.. there are missions? :O :O :O *shocked face*

watch out for the internet deathclaws >.>

i got a mental image of a comic of someone breaking free of a hording mentality only to have a arm reach into the panel and drag them back :D

guess this explains the Local Leader perk. to set up supply lines


on the bright side Assassins Creed can use the excuse that it isn’t really a crowd you are describing since you aren’t really in London you are in a computer’s rendition of london because of the game within a game nature of the series.

assassins creed in black ops? o.O

i’m thinking and i might be wrong but looking at the map it looks like Vault 111 is to the north east of Concord which seems to make sense given the storyline that seems to be appearing from it. in fact it looks like if you follow the road out of Vault 111 over the bridge and past the island the first town you see is

on the bright side what herbalist peddle isn’t illegal

on the bright side new trailer.. i think maybe it has a major spoiler based on the content.

hence not less valuable but different since if you don’t boost your intelligence here there are perks you can’t get access to and also speech checks. need at least an 8 in intelligence is needed to hack Robots. a 5 allows access to scrapper which increases your chance to find uncommon metals (but don’t know how hard

different type of game.. wild west in fallout to me it’s the opposite i enjoyed traveling the wilderness out there but i can see how that isn’t for everyone. not every game will catch everyone on fire.