looks like now it depends on your perk but on higher perk levels you won’t break the lock or the computer you are hacking.
looks like now it depends on your perk but on higher perk levels you won’t break the lock or the computer you are hacking.
plus now it seems you can give them orders if maxed out so benefit.
not sure what the bobbleheads actually do but raising special stats is much easier now.. all you need is 42 levels to get to all 10s (assuming you don’t get a boosts from other things like bobbleheads)
not the only one but then again i plan on playing through this game like i do every other fallout game which is a couple hundred times
some people enjoy what they enjoy
given some of the perks it might be viable this time esp with high luck and agility. esp Luck 10 perk richochet
the fact that luck 10 gives you the ability to redirect damage and possibly instakill someone who attacks you. or basically they kill themselves
the difference between a steady amount of xp at a time or the chance to randomly get extra xp.
not less important since it has an effect on hacking/gun mods etc but it does effect how quickly you level.. also scrapping too. hacking robots and controlling them.
or you could always throw everything into int to level up faster and throw the first few levels into leveling up SPECIAL stats rather than getting perks. SPECIAL over perks might be better at the beginning anyway.
true true i just picture both or at least a green stinky gas coming from the direction of Fox entertainment especially after their attempt at the Fantastic Four. someone dropped a lincoln log with that one.
i think you mean Fox isn’t helping that situation >.>
someone should make a picture of the head of Fox entertainment saying that >.>
unless it’s a setup for a Squirrel Girl Netflix series.
one thing about the supermutants.. we don’t know the difficulty level they were playing at. it could be on the lowest setting.
*breathes in deeply* ahhhhhhh only 8 more days to go this fix should last me.. i hope.