
Plus correction..In the Infinity Gauntlet it takes something like 15 or so and they get their collective asses handed to them. mostly because by that time Thanos killed have the Universe. The group had The Hulk, Drax, Firelord, Namor, She-Hulk, Nova, Cyclops, Wolverine, Scarlet Witch, Thor, Spider-man, Iron Man, Dr

you should include the Thanos Quest and the actual series Infinity War for the infinity gauntlet one. oh and Marvel The End.

having no rules.. is in itself a rule.

go into politics >.>

the rings that Sauron gave to the elves, dwarves and humans are collectively known as rings of power. Sauron forged the one ring but the other rings of power were forged by elves headed by Celebrimbor... i would guess he wields Vilya, Narya or Nenya against Sauron in the extra mission.

rather I create and mold my characer and skyrim allows me to play them. of course some events in skyrim mold my character as well.. if for example something tragic happens then that is reflected in my character. ie they try to save someone from a dragon and fail.. a quest doesn't quite go right and an npc dies. or a

oh i see i misunderstood.. it's not credit to me persay but a platform to use my character in.. or rather that's how i see it.

they can and the key word is they can have an arc.. but all of the heavy lifting is mostly on the shoulder's of the controller. ie in Skyrim i created a Altmer and flushed out her back story as a mercenary who left home and only returned when she found out that her brother left for skyrim as an agent of the Thalmor.

not really.. you have to do the work yourself which is very different than someone spoon feeding who the character is. in Skyrim and Fallout it's your character to do with as you please and they are formed by your actions and thoughts. How fleshed out your characters is depends on how much you want to invest in them.

does that include and obscure dc universe where.. Batvac patrols the floors.. coughing every now and then over all that cat hair?

hard to that since regardless of how you look at the situation some people aren't going to like a character. It's impossible to please everyone in that regard so to some people the character will suck regardless. could be for a number of reasons. How they act can be one amplified if the character does something that