
You can’t take the sky from me.

I almost bought one, but I dunno, sure it has a lot of power, but it doesn’t put it down well. I think it’s because the Genny coupe is so damned heavy, and it has such a vague transmission. I felt like it was a lot of sound and fury, signifying very little.

While I love Mayor Pete and plan to vote for him in the primary, I have to correct your article. He’s not the second openly LGBT person to run for President. He’s the third. You probably forget (or never knew) that David McReynolds, a gay antiwar activist, ran a quixotic campaign for the Socialist Party in 2000. Was

Yes, that was the joke I was making.

Maybe she’s born with it.  Maybe it’s a crazy cult she should have left years ago.  

Peugeot, tu n’as pas change, mon vieux...

That will suck.

I’m overthinking the shit out of this, but that’s sort of what’s fun about these movies for me.

Also, it’s fucking 2019 RIGHT NOW. Is Kyle Reese going to be in this movie? Is John Connor going to like, look for him? What if Kyle Reese is like some accountant somewhere and he’s like “who the fuck are you?? Security!!” when John comes knocking on his office door?  I mean...

Also, the fact that J-D has been pushed back so many times means that the events of T-1 have to have changed.  Kyle Reese has to be older (much older) when he meets Sarah Connor, and the J-D he tells her about is WAY WAY in the future, and doesn’t that change the dynamic of both T-1 and T2 in like big dramatic ways? 

Ok but fuck, the timeline for Judgment Day is pushed so far back, what’s the guarantee that John Connor and Kyle Reese ever meet in the first place?  If Kyle Reese isn’t fighting with the resistance in 2019 because Judgment day happens in what the fuck, 2040 or something, then...shit, is Kyle Reese still alive in

Well no, because now that movie doesn’t exist, but yeah, sort of.

Ok that’s a thread I can get behind.  Reyes is John’s daughter, which means he still needs to exist, which means Kyle Reese still needs to go back in time, etcetera.  That works.  

In other words, what timeline does the “future” in this movie know about?  If John and Sarah Connor postponed Judgment Day in T-2 just long enough to make themselves irrelevant to the post-JD resistance,, but...and...yep that’s brain matter melting out of my ears.

But why, if John Connor isn’t important to the future anymore?  

But if John Connor is “not needed,” then why the hell does Kyle Reese go back in time to save Sarah Connor, which means John Connor doesn’t exist anymore, and Sarah Connor doesn’t know anything about Judgment Day...and...Skynet wins?  I don’t...

But if Reyes is the leader of the Resistance rather than John Connor, then why the hell would Kyle Reese have gone into the past to save Sarah Connor, and if he didn’t, then John Connor doesn’t exist, which means Sarah Connor is living in blissful ignorance of this whole thing, which means T1 didn’t happen, which

Ok but fuck, if Judgment Day doesn’t happen and John Connor isn’t the leader of the resistance and doesn’t meet Kyle Reese and send him back in time, then JOHN CONNOR DOESN’T EXIST. Or if Judgment Day happens but John Connor isn’t the leader of the resistance ...then why the hell does Kyle Reese go back to 1984 to

My theory is that Arnold isn’t playing a terminator in this one. Maybe he’s playing the human dude they used as a model for the first Terminator.  In which case...hmm.