
Wait, so it’s a sequel in which the original heroes’ timelines come to an end and we meet a new young hero named Rey?  Where have I heard that before?

Hawt.  Honestly, if I were in the market, I’d seriously think about buying another Kappa.  We have a kid though so when we were looking at convertibles recently we had to stick with 4 seaters, and we ended up with a cute little sky blue Beetle convertible.  :)

I dunno.  They’re still fun.

It was coming up on 100,000 miles and I could tell it was starting to be a hot potato. Also, it was a stick shift without a working parking brake, which...isn’t awesome.  I did love that car, but it was a disaster and a terrible choice at the time.  Still, Kappas are sexy beasts and there’s got to be a good egg out

We damaged the door of our Solstice and it took WEEKS for the body shop to find a replacement.  Maybe that was the body shop’s fault, but I mean, caveat emptor, right?

Commas are important.  I know I don’t have to do THIS Bernie, but is there a Bernie that I do have to do?

Saturn Sky (look specifically for the Redline, which has the faster engine). GM’s Kappa line (Pontiac Solstice, Saturn Sky, Opel...something) are super fun, sexy cars. I had a Solstice for a year and loved it, but of course the caveat is that these are now fairly old American cars from brands that no longer exist, so

“Choke on a fuck” is wonderful.

My response to any use of the word “Misandry”

It would be short and end in a lot of “beeeeeeep”

The boy?  *Baker Street plays*


Came here to say this.  And never sleep again.  Thanks.

Whoever did this to these perfectly innocent bagels needs to be sliced up like a loaf of bread.  This is...horrifying.  

I can’t imagine taking it for longer than a few hours, but I’ve found Amtrak to be a very convenient way to get from PDX to Seattle without fighting traffic (and finding/paying for parking in downtown Seattle) or flying into Sea-Tac, which is...not close to the city. Plus, I can afford “business class” on Amtrak,

And I know we don’t have those laws in all states - my home state of Oklahoma is a scary place to go back to for us sometimes, and we do have to watch ourselves. So maybe ok, sure, this guide is fine now, but we need to make this guide irrelevant.  That’s my point, I guess.

Au contraire. My husband and I frequently take cruises to the Caribbean, and we have to pretend to be brothers in places like Belize and Jamaica etc.  We also had to pretend to be brothers in Morocco.  A guide like this would definitely be useful in places like that.  I raises my hackles a little to have a

A gay “Green Book” for Air B&Bs? We call this progress? All places should be required to rent to all comers. This guide shouldn’t need to exist. I mean, ok, it does need to exist for more hostile countries and places, but it should not need to exist for anywhere in the US.

Forking shirtballs. Came here for this. I don’t know or care about NFL football, but apparently Bortles is very important to Jason.