
Anyone played with the new Strangerland expansion yet?  It’s like an homage to Stranger Things but like I also see similarities to Welcome to Night Vale in there.  It’s...odd.  Kind of a cool mystery.  Anyway, for you WTNV fans, I made Cecil and Carlos in it.  :)

Right? I want those.

Came here for this.

Well until I discovered this guy was rich as balls, I was going to recommend a Golf R, but fuck, buy the Porsche if you’ve got that much money to throw around.

You’re fired.

If I weren’t lactose-intolerant, I’d agree with you, but Doe’s donuts are on point.  


Yitgadal v’yitkadash shemei McCain?  Haven’t heard that one before...

I effing loved this episode, and the “previously on Star Trek” at the beginning.  LOVED it.  

Whatever. I train in wing chun, and I love the Ip Man movies. But beyond that, I liked everything about Rogue One - Alan Tudyk’s droid, Jyn Erso’s badassery, Forest Whitaker’s breathless overacting.  It’s a fun film.  

I liked both.  Big fan of Donnie Yen.

MK6 fist bump.  I have a 2012 Autobahn with a stick and I love that damned car.  


HOW DA...oh, never mind. I thought you said the other thing about TLJ. IT WAS A GOOD MOVIE.

Yeah I kind of agree here - VW doesn’t need to double down where it  Like electrical/electronic stuff.  It sucks at those.  

I recently decided it would be a good idea to take up parkour at age 40. I was wrong about this. 20 minutes in, I vaulted over something and wrecked my knee. Tore something, probably my meniscus. I really should have known it wasn’t for me when 98% of the rest of the class was teenagers.

The ostensible reason for the union of British pomp and Pennsylvania circumstance is the twin anniversaries of Sixteen Stone and Throwing Copper, two noteworthy releases of the grunge era that are turning 25 this year.

The Ring was the first horror movie that actually lost me a full night of sleep. And then Samara kept showing up in my nightmares. And then I saw Ringu, and Sadako started showing up in my nightmares. What I’m saying is that now, however many years later, I still have Samara/Sadako nightmares. That movie ignited in me

I mean that wasn’t really much of an arc - the plot didn’t turn on Bond’s dead wife, right? She was just sort of mentioned, but each of those movies tells a discrete story about a different unconnected villain.  Am I remembering that wrong?  

That being said, I love the shit out of every one of the Daniel Craig movies, despite how stupid Spectre and Quantum are.  They’re still Bond movies, which means they’re just fun junk food.  Which is my point.  Bond is junk food.