
Ok, enough with the story arcs, Bond people.  Fucking Daniel Craig’s Bond doesn’t have to have one overarching story that you twist yourselves into confusing and illogical knots to piece together.  Bond movies should be one-offs with very little connection to each other - a bad guy wants to kill the world, Bond goes

I just can’t help but think, “yeah but in ten years that guy’s going to be sitting in a box going BEEEEEEEP.”

I still believe.

My husband loves that game.  

What do I want to know about this car?  Er...not much.

What game is that? Civ?

PDX represent.  Also don’t forget the volcano that is literally within the city limits.

I live in a city with a dormant volcano smack in the middle of it, on which we have built a beautiful park and hiking trails. Nearby, another volcano blew its top in 1980, covering the city in ash. Several other volcanoes sit nearby, all of which are constantly crawling with skiers.

Rick Steves’ guides are invaluable when traveling in Europe.  Pay close attention to his hotel picks - he knows wherein he speaks.  My husband and I stayed at his favorite hotel on the Rue Cler in Paris, and he was right.  And quite often, his picks aren’t like, exorbitantly expensive.

That’s certainly an interesting item.

A hundred times yes.

Don’t forget to call absolutely everything an “item.”  I don’t know why that bugs me, but not everything is an “item,” Doug.  

Came here for this.  

Is Tommy Wiseau a sandwich?

What point are you trying to make?  The only point you’re trying to make is that non-whites do more crime than whites do.  If that’s the point you’re making, then you’re a Nazi.  I’m done.  

Did a Google Image search for that image, and what d0 you know? Nazis. Nazis everywhere. Quoted on 4chan and Gab. You can deny being a Nazi all you want, but I’m just going to keep calling you a Nazi, Nazi.  

Nazis shouldn’t have rights.  

Many things, but I didn’t quote this:

DING DING DING - and we have a direct quote from Stormfront out of you. Moderators - ban this fucking Nazi, would you?